Page 174 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 174

Phrasal verbs with get, give,go,putand take

             There are many phrasal verbs with the verbs get, give, go, put and take.

              get                       give               go                     put                         take

              get up = get out of       give up = stop      go on =continue       pufaway = put in a          take sth off= remove
              bed                       trying              go on = happen        drawer or cupboard          (clothes)
              get off = leave a bus,    givesth back =      go out = stop         putsthon = gain             take off = start flying
              train or plane or         return sth          burning (fire/        (clothes or weight)         take upsth =start (a
              move from a seat or       givesthin =         lights)               putsthdown = put            hobby)
              bicycle                   submit              go with = match       sth on the floor/ground     take sthaway = remove
              get on with =             givesth out =                             puf out = extinguish        to a different place
              relateto                  distribute                                (fire/lights)
              get back = arrive

             We're gettingoffat the nextstop. Hey!Give thatback!It's mine! Canyouput the plates away,please?

             3 O 30.1 Listen and number the picturesfrom 1-5.

           * 4 Addy&,give, 93,putatrá takemthe carecí placeste makegrcups df phrasalvetes.

                                                                                                    ofv two tellos      a suitcase dowcv
                 up cyclic J) (Jtoflt     cold food  awa

                          ÿ    tatee

                                                                                                 (ÿyour   clothes  awayÿ)      (ÿfireoudy

                                           (ÿyour     hoi-vceworte                CÿP   inthe  kuoryútAgÿ) (ÿotÿ/offÿ
                    (The bootes out

           (ÿupdolt'vg som,ethliÿ                 bacte a boote that                     back late             oÿv with your
                                                    you borrowed                                     ÿ          classmates

           *  5 Circle the correct verbs.                    O

                ÿ  You can'put / get that box down here.                       6 He's put / taken on half a kilo since he came out of
                 1 Has their plane taken /got off yet?
                2 What time did you get / give back last night?                7 Hey! Go / Get off! I'vejust paintedthat chair!
                3 That blue dress goes / gets really well with                 8 We were having dinner when suddenly the lights put /
                   your eyes.                                                     went out.
                4 Why have they taken / got the chairs away?                   9 They found a purse inthe street so they gave / put it
                5 Igive /get up! It's too difficult!                              in at the police station.
                                                                              10 Hey!What's going / getting on here?

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