Page 178 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 178
d the text below and choose the correct word Writing
?ach space.
4 Complete the second sentence so that it means
the same as the first. Use no more than three
Self-esteem words.
ÿ You won't get better at tennis ifyou don't
ÿ B» agree that 1 _ a good level of self-
esteem helps people to live more You won't get better at tennis unless you
fir actíse
What is self-esteem? 1 The French invented tennis.
Self-esteem is the opinion about Tennis the French.
yourself. 2 My brother is a better tennis player than me.
Idon't play tennis _
4 _ you have high self-esteem, does it my brother.
make you arrogant? 5_ 3 That tennis racket is so old.
High self-esteem isn't about that That's _ an old tennis
you're better than everyone else. People racket!
with healthy self-esteem 6_ believe that 4 We can't play tennis because it's too dark.
they are as as other people. It's _ to play tennis.
5 Idon't want you to hitthe ball so hard.
Why is self-esteem important? I'd rather the ball
People with good self-esteem feel positive so hard.
about life and they usually find it easy to 6 Frank's started playing tennis recently.
8 _ on with other people. Frank's _ uptennis
— you have good self-esteem, it's
difficult to take risks and make decisions.
Your friend Brian is going to stay with a friend
w .« « « « « y* inLondon nextweek.Writeanemailto Brian.
What are the signs of healthy self-
In your email, you should
People who have good self-esteem believe tell Brian what you will be doing while he's in
in 10 11__
remind Brian to take his camera
Ifsomething is difficult they don't ask Brian to bring you something from London
They trying and they aren't afraid to
ask for help ifthey need it.
ÿ Psychology B Psychologists
Psychological D Psychologically
1 have B had C to have D having
2 happy B happily C happier D happiest
3 you have B who you have
what you have D which have
4 Unless B Due to C If D As soon as
5 thinking B think C thought D to think
6 simple B simpler C simply D simplest
7 better B good C best D well
8 go B give C put D get
9 When B If C Unless D Because
10 yourself B myself C ourselves
11 give up B give it up C it give up
give up it
12 take up B come in C get off D goon
9 Exam preparation