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P. 186

Unit 18, student C and D                                           Unit 15, story trail part 4

                      I   Discuss who you can help and who can

                          help you. If you ask for help you must              He found a ring. Did you guess correctly?
                          offer something.

                                                                                   Readthe last part of the story.
             Student c
                                                                                       In fact, it was his wedding ring! He had
             Your requests
             You want someone to give you piano lessons.                               lost the ring years before when he was
             You need someone to cut your hair.                                        working in the field.
             You want to borrow some books for the weekend.

                                                                                   How did he feel? What did he do with the ring?
             What you can offer
                                                                                   Write sentences using He must haveand the ideas
             ©You'll spend time doing outdoor activities with                      in the box.
                other people.
             ©You'll do physicalwork (like lifting heavy things and                  be/feel   want to tell   clean   put it on   phone
                painting walls).

             But...                                                                    He must have    felt very su.rpn.sed!
             © You won't lend your books and DVDs to people
                unless they promise to return them.                             3 Compare your ideas with other groups.
             ©You get a headache if you sit near a computer.

                                                                             Unit 9, group D
             Student D
                                                                              13 Write the reported
             Your request                                                          questions.Start with
             You want someone to go mountain climbing with you.                    Heaskedus...
             You want to borrow some DVDs.
             You want someone to give you guitar lessons.                          ÿ   CflKv i hflve your tickets?

             What you can offer                                                                    1   Where are   you 0owtg

             ©You'll do creative tasks like taking photos and cutting
                people's hair.                                                     2   Cfli-v isee yourpflssports?
             ©You'll lend your books and DVDs to people
                                                                                                   3    How  mfli/vy bfl0S  hflve you 0ot?
             But ...

             © You feel sick if you go on a boat.                                  4   rúd  you pflcfethe bflgs yourselves?
             © You get a headache and feel sick if you are near
                fresh paint.                                                        He as\zed us If he could have our tickets.
             © You haven't got any DVDs.

                   Cflfv someone come sea fishli-vg with me?

                              I'llcome sen flshlt/vg with you If
                              you help me move some heavy boxes.

                     IcfliA/t help you,  Cm  afraid. My
                     bcicte hurts  If lift heavy thluvgs.

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