Page 190 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 190
Present perfect/continuous
regular irregular
1 / you / we / they've
he/she /it's worked/been working written/been writing
1 / you / we / they haven't
he/ she /it hasn't worked/been working written/been writing
Have 1 / you / we / they
worked/been working? written/been writing?
Has he /she /it
Short answers
Yes, 1 / you / we / they have. No,1 / you / we / they haven't.
Yes, he/she /it has. No, he/she /it hasn't.
Past participles of regular verbs are the same as the past simple -ed form. For spelling rules
of regular -ed forms, see page 189.
There are no rules for irregular past participles.They are often different from the past simple form.
You must learn each one individually.See the list on page 192.
Past perfect/continuous
Weformthe past perfectwith had# past participle.Weform the pastperfectcontinuous
with had + been + -ing form.
regular irregular 1
1 / you / he / she / it / we / they had
worked/been working written/been writing
Short form
1 / you / he / she / it/ we / they'd
1 / you / he / she / it/ we / they hadn't worked/been working written/been writing
Had 1 / you / he/ she / it / we / they worked/been working? written/been writing?
Short answers
Yes, 1 / you / he / she / it/ we / they had. No,1 / you / he/ she / it/ we / they hadn't.
190 Appendix