Page 139 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 139
* 8 Write the adverbs in the correct place in the table. S11 Work in pairs.Student A cover
exercise 1 0. Student B read the first
downstairs proudly never late well away
lines of conversations 1-3. How many
sometimes by bus seldom soon yesterday
quickly ever in prison tomorrow here responses can Student A remember?
occasionally early happily everywhere O Swap roles for conversations 4-6.
they worte ¿ÿuXctely?
frequency manner place time
No, they vjoY\ztd slowly.
He's never spoken__
;:-l 2 Circle the correct answers.
Come here now/ now here!
She watched them__
2 Look,they're playing nicely now / now nicely.
manner formed from the adjective in brackets.O ten years.
3 They lived for ten years abroad / abroad for
*9 Complete the sentences. Use an adverb of 1 Ivy runs fast /fast runs.
ÿ _ ,please,(polite)__ 4 She went away quietly at the end of the lesson./
tome, (angry)
at the end of the lesson quietly away.
You did that very (good) 5 Where's my book? It was here yesterday /
yesterday here!
Ask 6 Toby's away at the moment / at the moment
He read the story (beautiful) away. He's in Spain.
I'mafraid Ican't walk very (fast) 7 Wait for five minutes here/ here for five
He closed the door _ .(noisy) minutes. I'll be back soon.
Everyone hasworked _ _ today, (hard) 8 Didyou go by plane there / there by plane?
He smiled at me. (cheerful)
*1 Write the sentences.
*10 ©23.3 Complete the conversations with the © t evetywheie/yesterday/ we leeked
adverbs from the box.Then listen and check.
we loorztfA everwwnere westeraflM.
U O «J
slowly downstairs terribly later 1 quickly /run /home
outdoors on foot out
ÿ 'Did they work quickly?' 2 now /out/ I'm going
'No, they worked slowly
3 will you be/this evening / in
1 'Is Sam in?'
'No, he's _ :
2 'Is Amy upstairs?' 4 hard/she works / at the weekend
'No, she's _ .'
3 'Can you help me now?' 5 carefully / at bedtime / you must clean your teeth
'No, but Ican help you
6 quietly/ let'stalk / for five minutes/ in the garden
4 'Do you play chess well?'
'No, Iplay _ !'
5 'Shall we sit indoors?'
'No, let's sit .'
6 'Did you come here by car?'
'No, we came _ .'
Unit 23 139