Page 136 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 136

Adverbs: frequency,                                      manner,

                           place and time

                           I can use and combine different kinds of adverbs.

          Adverbs of frequency

                                       T'ai Chi 6.30a.m.   Íive always waited to try
                                       Every Tuesday           'ai Chi. shall we  00  toi-Korrow?

                                                                                     What's T'ai

                                                           I  it's a martialart. People usually
                                                             do  before breakfast.

                                                                   I  dovÿ't  m.ovevery c\ui(\z ly  iiÿ the v*.oyvCi\m?¡.

                                                            "&u.t IkvT'ai Chi  y ow. nu>ve slowly. J

             Adverbs give extra informationabout adjectives,verbs              We can use sometimes and usually at the beginning
             and other adverbs.They say how often, when, where                 of sentences.
             andhow things happen.                                             Sometimes we goshopping together.
                                                                               UsuallyI'mon time.
             We use adverbs of frequency to say how often
             something happens.                                                We can also use expressions like every (other) day,
                                                                               every Thursday and twice a month to talk about
                                                                               frequency with the present simple.These expressions
              *»eV                            **ÿ ÿ                 ÿ          can go at the beginning or the end of a sentence.
                                        c,0>                                   Shechecks her emails three times a day.
                                                                               On Mondayswe go swimming.
             We use adverbs of frequency before a main verb.                   To ask about frequency we use How often ...?
             Sallyoccasionallyphones us.                                       'Howoftendoyouread?''Every day.'
             We neverplay tennis.
                                                                               In yes/no questions, we place the adverb of
             However,we use adverbs of frequency after be and                  frequency before the verb.
             auxiliaries.                                                      Doyou always usea green pen?
             Jim's always busy.                                                Doesheoftendo that?
             I'veoften thoughtaboutyou.                                        Doyou ever readthenewspaper? (ever = 'at any time')
             That doesn't usuallyhappen.

           *  1 O 23.1 Listen and choosethe best option to complete the sentences.              O

                   Julia _c_ goes to the cinema on her own.                           Vicky  _   goes running.
                   a sometimes b hardly ever          c never                         a always     b usually    c hardly ever
                   Henry  _    travels by train.                                      Isabel  _  writes letters.
                                                                                      a often    b sometimes       c never
                   a often    b occasionally     c never
                   Tim      listens to music in bed at bedtime.                       James  -    watches the news onTV.
                   a always     b usually    c often                                  a often    b sometimes       c rarely

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