Page 137 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 137

*  2 Rewrite the sentences with the adverb of                      ;|:4  O 23.2 What do the people say? Listenand
                frequency inthe correct place.                                     match responses a-i to questions 1-3.

                ÿ  My grandparents went on holiday,(rarely)                        1 How often do you watch a film onTV?
                   Mw aravui-pareiÿts rarelw wet-vt ofv hollcJaw.
                   - - -                                         <J                   _a
                                                                                   2 Have you ever fallen asleep on a bus or train?
                1 You should say 'thank you', (always)
                                                                                   3 Do you always have breakfast?
                2 I've been to hospital,(hardly ever)
                3 The shop was busy inthose days, (seldom)                         a Not often. About two or three times a year.

                                                                                   b No, not always, but I usually do.
                4 Lock the door, (always)                                          c Yes, I've often done that.

                                                                                   d No,I've never done that.
                5 He's late, (occasionally)                                        e Yes, Ido. Always.
                                                                                   f Everyday.
                6 She forgets my name, (often)                                     g I've occasionally done it.
                                                                                   h Sometimes, but not very often.
                7 I'llforget you. (never)                                          i No,Ihardly ever have breakfast.

                8 Don't say that again! (ever)                                S5             Work in small groups. Ask each other the
                                                                                            questions inexercise 4.

             3 Are the sentences correct ÿ or incorrect x?                           How   ofteuv  do you watch a film,  oÿv tv, Toby?
           *                                                     O
                Rewrite the incorrect sentences.
                                                                                                About owe a weete. we      of teÿ watch
                ÿ  He has a piano lesson everyThursday.                                                 pit tv oiA/ Friday evei-úi-vé).
                    ÿ_                                                                          a -film,

                ÿ  Does ever she drink tea?
                   X T>ots she ever rirlnte tea?_                             *  6 Write six questions with Howoften... ?and
                                                                                   do/Aré yoüever    ...} Uséthe ideas inthe box or
                1 Milly never is ill.                                              your own ideas.

                                                                                     eat lunch outside travel by plane       go camping
                2 Sometimes we go for a walk after dinner.
                                                                                     be late for school go to a big party
                                                                                     read books or magazines about computers
                3 Twice a week she leaves the house at six o'clock.
                                                                                     be hungry inthe middle of the night

                4 Leo washes his hair every other day.
                                                                                     Are you ever late   for  school?
                5 We've talked often about it.                                       How   oftekv  have you travelled b -plaice?
                6 Always he doesn't walk to school.

                                                                              *r  7          Work in groups. Guess how the others in
                                                                                             your group will answer your questions
                                                                                             from exercise 6. Ask your questions.
                                                                                             Did you guess correctly?

                                                                                     Are you ever sleepy after    luKvch?
                                                                                     Tom - uvo, uvever
                                                                                     Rosy - yes, sometí-mes
                                                                                     Afvgle - yes, always

                                                                                      T&m, are you ever sleepy after    luiÿcU?

                                                                                            yes, Cm usually     a bit sleepy after  luÿvch.

                                                                                                                              Unit 23 137
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