Page 142 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 142

;í 2 O 24.2 Add so or such inthe correct place.                    1 5 Add so or such to 1-8,then match a-i to 1-8.         O
                Then listen, check and repeat.                                        The book was so         good _e_
                ÿ  He's got a kind face.                        o                     The bag was   _        full _
                   He's OiOt sucVi a       -face._                                    The music was   _        loud

                1 They were friendly.                                                 He's  _      a genius
                                                                                      I've got  _      many things to do

                2 That's funny.                                                       It was _       a long car journey  _
                                                                                      She goes running    _       often

                3 You did that carefully.                                             He's  _      a nice boy  _        _
                                                                                      The race was  _        a success
                4 There's a lot of smoke.                                             that she's never at home!

                                                                                      that I don't know what to do first.
                5 Is it a problem?                                                    that everyone wants to be his friend.

                                                                                      that it broke.
                6 That's true.                                                        that I couldn't stop reading it.

                                                                                      that we're going to organize it again next year.
                7 It was a nice day.                                                  that we had to stop for lots of breaks.

                                                                                      that I couldn't hear what they were saying.
                8 That's good news.                                                   that some people don't understand his ideas.

                9 You run fast!                                                    Look at the pictures.Join a sentence from box A
                                                                                   with a sentence from box B. Use so/such...that..

               10 I've got many ideas!
                                                                                    The shelf was high. It was a hot day.
                                                                                    The fog was thick.     It was cold.
           *3            Work in pairs. Look again at the pictures
                                                                                    There were a lot of people. The wind blew hard.
                          in exercise 1.Can you remember all the
                          sentences with so and such? Use the                      B
                          words inthe box.                                           The fence fell down.    Some people had to stand.
                  small cold     beautiful    fed up   a long time                   She couldn't speak.    He couldn't reach it.
                  young    apples    a mess    friends trophies                      We couldn't see anything.
                  play golf well   few    many                                       My ice-cream melted.

                  it's so  beautiful!    the houses loote so sm,a It!

           :,;4           Work in pairs. Look at the things and
                          people around you.Who can make
                          the most emphatic statements with so
                          and such?

                  My bc?0  Is so heavy today!

                           There are so  nÿaiÿy bootes o\*> that  shelf!

                    Y our Ekvglish is so good today!

                                                                                   ÿ   it was so cold that he couldn't s-peate.
                                                                                   1  _
                                                                                   2  _
                                                                                   3  _
                                                                                   4  _

          142 So and such
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