Page 126 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 126
Comparative and superlative forms
I can use comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs.
Comparative and superlative adjectives
We use comparative and superlative adjectives when we compare
the qualities of things, people,places and times.
P There's o\ÿe -place left ofv
the swlm-mXitg team,. We use comparative adjectives to compare two things, two people,
who should we choose? I two times or two places.
«a He'shappier now thanhe was lastyear.
QAfvi/u* dives ntore
elegat-vtly thauv vlctey. (now © © © / last year ©)
Tennis is OK, but basketballismoreexciting.
£0 "&ut vie fey Is a stroiÿer
(tennis ÿ basketball ÿ ÿ ÿ)
swimmer thauv Am/va.
We can use a comparative form when one of the things is something
O Aÿÿva doesn't swim, we know about.
as fast as vlctey. He'smuchhappier now. (than at some time inthe past that we know
CD B>ut vlctey caiA/t turyv about)
as tÿulctely as AkVkva.
We use superlative adjectives when we compare one thing, person,
O oh, I dovs/t fellow. "Ttils Is time or placewith all the others in the same group.
the hardest decision ...
It's the hottest countryin Europe. (It's hotter than all the other countries
in Europe.)
Amy's the most intelligent ofallmy friends. (She's more intelligent than
all mystefriends.)
See the table of comparative and superlative forms on page 191.
To show that two things are equal we useas + adjective + as:
Jenny's as tallas Billy now. Isyour bagas heavy as mine?
We often use not as + adjective + as to show that two things aren't
He isn't as funny asyou. (=You're funnier than him.)
* O 21.1 Listen to the sentences and answer the questions about pronunciation.Then listen and repeat.
Mliÿe is bigger tha\A, yours. J
f "&ut nUfve was cheaper thavu youtrs
7his was the -finest iv ÿ the shop. J
Aÿd this was the cheapest iv o the shop.
I'm*, very pleased with i <w,y catee.
f Acvd Cm, just as pleased as you.
1 How do we pronounce than ? 2 How do we pronounce -est ? 3 How do we pronounce as ?
a /dicn/ ÿ b /don/ \Z a /ist/ ÿ b /est/ C a /íez/ ÿ b /az/ [
1 26 Comparative and superlative forms