Page 110 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 110
*14 Circlethe correct answers.
ÿ If you stay here, I'II go / go and get the tickets." *11Add if or unless to the sentences. O
1 You should askTony ifyou want / 'II want some ÿ You mustn't leave the room unless a teacher
says you can.
help with that. _
2 There 'II / won't be enough food unless everyone 1 we leave now, we might arrive on time.
brings some. 2 Iwon't look at your story _ you want me to.
3 We'll be late unless we don't leave/ leave right 3 You shouldn't cross the road _ a car's
now. _
4 you sleep now,you won't be able to
4 Don't / Won't talk about it if you don't want to.
5 Wait a minute!You don't / shouldn't have a big sleep tonight.
you don't switch it on!
meal ifyou want to go swimming. 5 It won't work _ _
6 There won't be any left for later if you eat / 6 Don'ttake that food you can eat it all.
1 really
might eat them all now. 7 I'm not going to take the medicine -
need to.
515 o 18.5 Match the warnings a-f to the results 8 Your book will get wet _ you leave it in
1-5.Then write the ifclause to complete the first the garden.
conditional sentences. Listen,check your answers
O different ways can you finish these
and repeat. ;::18 Work in small groups. How many
Close your backpack! b pieces of advice with ifand unless?
Take an umbrelrelia!
Don't touch that frying pan!
Don't eat all those sweets!
Eat your meal!
Come out of the sea!
b_ if you do\A,'t tafee an umbrella,you might
get wet.
1 all your things are Don't try to climb a mountain...
/ 3
going to fall out!
2 you'll be hungry Never jump into a river...
3 that jellyfish might You shouldn't criticize people...
sting you.
4 . you're going to Don't wear jeans...
feel horrible.
5 you'll get burnt. You mustn't use electrical equipment...
516 Work in pairs.Change the result clauses
in exercise 15 to make new sentences. Don't lend people things ...
Use will, and might and begoing to.
Use your imagination!
üon't try to climb a mountain...
if you. don't tafee an umbrella,
you might regret it Later. ... If the weather is bad.
if you don't tafee an umbrella, you'll ... unless you have an
get wet ai>vd then you'll catch a cold. experienced climberwith you.
if you don't tafee an um.brella, ... unless you're fit and well.
Itwill definitely rain!
... if you don't have eiÿough
food and waterfor thejourney.
110 Zero and first conditional