Page 105 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 105
3 Read the text below and choose the correct word Writing
for each space. Write A, B, C or D.
Complete b so that it means the same as a. Use no
more than three words.
ÿ is the Blue Star?
The Blue Star is a kindof starfish 1 _ is ÿ a Ithink you're not busy.Am Iright?
b You're not busy, art uou _ ?
usually completely dark blue or light blue.
There are also some Blue Stars which are 1 a Do you remember Polly? Ishowed you her
green,purple,pink,yellow or orange. photo yesterday.
b Do you remember Polly, _
showed you yesterday?
Pollyand I met at this museum.
This is the museum _ we met.
She bought a book about the museum.
(She gave it to me.)
She bought a book about the museum
_ to me.
4 a People don't often do things like that. I'm sure
do Blue Starslive? you agree.
Blue Stars live incoral reefs and sea grass People don't often do things like that,
inthe Indian Ocean and parts of the Pacific
Ocean. She's a very kind person.
_ kind person!
3 _ do they look like?
They have five roundedarms with an eye at You've heard that your older cousin Mary is going
the end of each arm 4 _ can identify only to get married to Bill, who you've never met.
light and darkness.Their mouth, is in Write an email to Mary. In your email, you should
the centre, is on the underside of the body. express your feelings in response to Mary's news
6_ ásk Máryaboutthé daté ofthe wedding
How do Blue Stars grow? ask Maryother questions about Bill and the
Blue Stars can grow up to 30 cm across. Write 35-45 words.
break off?__ 8_ means that ÿ _j
do they eat?
Blue Stars are omnivores,
they eat plants and animals.
Dear Mary
Can Blue Stars grow new armsif their arms
Yes, they 9 Infact,a single broken Blue Iheard about your wedding plans.
How cxciting!
Star arm can grow into a whole new Blue
Star. amazing is that?
ÿ A Who B What C Which D How 6 This is part of a letter you received from an
1 A who B which C it D what Englishfriend.
2 A Where B How C Why D When
3 A How B What C Where D Which UJhat's your favourite piece of clothing'?
4 A it B who C they D that Where did if come from"? UJhat does it look
5 A where B that C who D which
6 A size B shape C big D often like? Woiu long have you had it? Why do
7 A When B How C What D Where you like it"? Hotu often do you wear it"?
8 A what B that C it D which
9 A can B do C are D will Write a letter,answering your friend's questions.
10 A How B What C It's D That's
Exam preparation Units 16-17 105