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P. 101

Exclamatory sentences

             We use exclamatory sentences to express our feelings
                                                                                                     size/opinion         singular
             in response to things we see and hear about.                     What        a/an
             Howstrange! What a disaster!                                                            adjective            noun
                                                                                          a          long                 story.
             Exclamatory sentences don't need a verb.They usually             What
                                                                                          an         interesting          day.
             havean exclamation mark.

              How         + opinion adjective                                 What        size or opinion          plural noun
              How         interesting!                                        What        difficult                questions!
                          confusing!                                                      big                      feet!

              What        a/an       singular noun                           We can also use What a lot of +    plural or
                                                                             uncountable noun to exclaim at quantity.
                          a          day!
              What                                                           What a lot ofpeople!
                          an         opportunity!
                                                                             What a lot offood!

              What        uncountable noun                                   We sometimes add a verb clause at the end of
                                                                             an exclamatory sentence.
              What                                                           What difficultquestionsyou ask!
                                                                             Howfunnyyou are!

          *10 o 17.2 Circle the correct answer. Listen and          ©        *12 017.3 Complete the exclamatory sentences

                check, then repeat.                                                with the words inthe box. Listen and check,
                ÿ  What/ What a delicious meal!                                    then practisethe conversations with a partner.
                1 What/ What a great film!                                           a   an what      how    what an
                2 What a strange / strange clothes he wears.                         what a long    that will be
                3 How /What fun!
                                                                                   ÿ  'I bought this shirt for £2.'
                4 What / How an idea!
                                                                                      'What __a_ bargain!That's really cheap!'
                5 How/What funny!
                6 What beautiful eyes that she has/ she has.                       1 'Guess what? We're going to perform the play at
                                                                                      the city theatre next year.'
          *11 Write the sentences. Add exclamation marks.           O                 ' _               exciting!'
                ÿ  nails /what /long   _                                           2 Tanya's family are going to travel round Australia
                   what lonÿ nails!                                                   in a camper van.'
                                                                                      'I know.What an adventure     _                !'
                1 a /day /what/ beautiful                                          3 'I want to get ill.Then Ican stay in bed all day.'

                                                                                      ' _               nonsense! Don't say that!'
                2 kind /is /she/ how                                               4 '5-0! 5-0!What    _                 excellent result!'
                                                                                   5 This time last year we were stuck inthe car in the
                3 talks /rubbish /what /he                                            snow. Do you remember?'
                                                                                      'Yes --
                                                                                                             night that was!'
                4 books/a lot of /what                                             6 There's a new girl at school. She's called Apple
                                                                                      Dora.' ' _               unusual name!'
                5 true /how /is /that
                                                                             £13             o 17.4 Work in groups. Listen.The first
                                                                                             group to respondwith an appropriate
                                                                                             expression from exercise 11 or 12 wins ÿ/

                                                                                             a point.
                                                                                                                                  What a
                                                                                            ihe sun's shining. it's not           beflw.ti.ful
                                                                                            too hot And not too cold.             day !

                                                                                                                              Unit 17 101
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