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P. 112

Second and third conditional

                           I can usethe second and third conditional sentences to describe the consequences of
                           hypothetical present,future and past events.

          Second conditional

                                                  if  I'd had     pkofve with me i could have called
                                                  som,eoiA,e. B-Kt the reality  was, i had ia,o phoiA-e,

                                                  i was. com-pletelw lost aiÿd Itwas 0ett¿ÿv0 dav\z.

                                                                 Aw*d would    ijou
                                                                 without fl phoiA-e

                                                       No, IwouueWt!

             We use second conditional sentences when we                     We can also use could and might in the result clause
             describe the imagined result or consequence of an               instead of would.
             unreal or unlikely situation inthe present or future.           Ifwe went to the village we couldgetsome eggs.
             Ifibiswasa   m¡   iforntó,ifwsuláfeewaffhatef af                ifViefeywastff 53bsssy,sh?mightmtemnfm&s.
                                                                             We usually use second conditional sentences to
             The verb inthe if clause of second conditional
                                                                             imagine situations ineveryday life.
             sentences is in the past simple. Inthe result clause we
                                                                             Ifthey offeredyou thejob, wouldyou acceptit?
             use would/wouldn't + the infinitive of the verb.
             I would bevery surprisedifitsnowedtomorrow.                     We also use second conditional sentences to speculate
             Ifyou offeredMartinhelp,hewouldn't accept it.                   about more unusual hypothetical situations.
                                                                             What would happen ifthere was nocarbondioxide on
             We often add adverbs like probably and definitely
             and phrases like Ithink.
             Ithink I'dprobablycallthe policeifthat happened.                Inmore formal writing and speaking we sometimes
                                                                             use were instead of was after if.
             We often use could inthe if clause.
                                                                             IfJames were here, we couldask him.
             You would enjoy itmoreifyoucouldswim.
                                                                             We always use were inthe phrase If Iwere you...
                                                                             for giving advice.
                                                                             IfI wereyou, I'dkeep it.

           »i o 19.1 Listen and number the pictures from 1-6.



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