Page 86 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 86
Match two responses (a-l) to each dialogue 1-5.©
Predictions (might,may, will)
%8 O 15.4 Optimists (©) and pessimists (©).
We use might, may and will when we make Then listen and check.
predictions about the future. ÿ We'll take a taxi.
We use will and won't when we are sure about a © _d_ © _V\_
prediction. 1 I'mgoing to give this book to Toby.
You'll loveit!(= I'm sure.)
Bill won't know the answer. (= I'm sure.) 2 I've lost my necklace!
® ©
We use the adverbs probably and definitely to 3 I'mgoing to take some of this medicine.
modify predictions.We putthese adverbs after will © _ © _
but before won't.
4 She really wants to go to that university.
They'llprobably win. (= I'm almost sure.) © _ © _
They'lldefinitely win. (= I'm 100% sure.)
5 I'mgoing to climbthat tree!
Itprobably won't rain. (= I'malmost sure.)
Itdefinitely won't rain. (= I'm 100% sure.)
a You won't find that again.
We use might, might not, may and may not when b She may not pass all her exams.
we aren't sure about a prediction.
c You'll get a wonderful view.
The bagmightbreak. (= It's possible.)
d It'll be expensive.
The bagmightnot break. (= It's possible.) e Iexpect they'll offer her a place.
Karen may want to talkabout it. (= It's possible.)
f You'll definitely get it back.
Karen maynot want to talk aboutit. (= It's possible.)
g It'll help you feel better.
We use may and might inthe same way, but may is h It'll be quick.
slightly moreformal than might. i He won't like it.
We can use Iexpect and Ithink before predictions J It'lltaste horrible.
k He'll love it.
with might,may and will to show that the prediction
I Ithink you might fall.
\imopinion. *
I expect he'llbehungry.
Work in groups. Make optimistic and
Ithink theymightbuy a new car.
pessimistic predictions like those in
For negative predictionswe usually use Idon't exercises 7 and 8.
think + will.
a friend's tennis match the weather tomorrow
Idon't think they'll agree.
a skiing holiday a maths exam
an appointment with the dentist
O He'll deflately wlt>v!
Circle the correct answer.
ÿ I'II probably / probably will go to bed early.
1 She definitely won't / might nottell you. He i-vúght hurt lúm,se If.
2 It won't probably / probably won't finish late.
3 This food is very hot and spicy.You not may /
may not like it. / Write optimistic predictionsabout your
4 Iexpect / It expects it'll be cold this evening. classmates.Work in groups and share
your predictions.
5 Ithink she might not /won't agree.
6 Jason will definitely / definitely will help you.
expect vlctey will travel around the world.
86 Plans,predictions and guesses