Page 82 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 82

Hadto, neededto, needn'thave,couldn't                                   *9 O14.3 Listenand tick the correct answers.            Q

                                                                                       ÿ  Why didn't Fred play with friends after
                I'm, worryliÿ0 about            "TlUS IS
                                                                                          a He didn't want to. M
                m.Lj  exam. tomorrow!
                                                                                          b He had to work.     \v\
                                                                                          c He didn't have any friends. Q

                                                                                        1 Why did Milly give flowers to Amy?

                                                                                          a She wanted to.     Q
                                                                                          b She had to.      ]
                                                                                          c Amy had asked for flowers.      Q
                                                                                       2 What did Carrie do at the music studio?
                                                i i-veecWt have      *                    a She watched people play and record
                                                womcd about the
                                                                                             music.  O
                                                exai-K. it was  fme!
                                                                                          b She played different musical instruments
                                                                                             and used the recording equipment. I

                                                                                          c She used the recording equipment. I
             We use had to, needed to and couldn't + the infinitive
                                                                                       3 What did Ted do today?
             when we talk about necessity, obligation and freedom
                                                                                          a He went to the library but itwas
             to act inthe past.
                                                                                             closed. [_]
             We can use had to for any past obligation or necessity.
                                                                                          b He went to the library. [_]
             We can use needed to for any past necessity.
                                                                                          c He went to school. | |

               Obligation and necessity Prohibition                                    4 Why didn't Alice pay?
              had to                          couldn't                                    a She didn't want to.

              needed to                                                                   b She couldn't because she didn't have
                                                                                             any money. ÿ
             They had to wear black shoes. (= It was the rule.)
                                                                                          c She didn't need to.    O
             We hadto climb over the wall. (=We had no choice.)
             We hadto/needed to post theletter. (= It was                               5 Why didn't Ann see the film?
             important to us.)                                                            a She couldn't because of her age. O
             I couldn'tusemy computer on the plane.                                       b She didn't want to. Q

                                                                                          c She had to do her homework.
              No obligation /necessity        Permission /freedom
                                                                                        6 How did they get to the station?
              didn't have to                  could
                                                                                          a They ran.   Q
              didn't need to
                                                                                          b They walked.     O
             We didn'thave to do homeworkotprimaryschool.                                 c They took a taxi. P]
             I didn'tneedto go to thedoctorbecauseIfelt better
             this morning.
             We couldchoose what we wanted to eat.

             We use needn't have + the past participle when we
             say inthe present that a completed past action was

             Needn't have is different from didn't need to.
             We didn'tneedto take food. (= It wasn't necessary
             to take food.We knew that. ©)
             We needn't have taken the food. Nobodyate it.
             (= It wasn't necessary to take the food. We didn't
             know that. ©)

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