Page 83 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 83

*1C Circlethe correct option.                                      SI2             Take turns to read one of the problems.
                ÿ  Icould / didn't have to / needed to write this                            The other students choose a role and
                   report, but Iwanted to. Ichose to do it.                                  respond.Change roles.
                1 Toby had to go / needn't have gone / couldn't                              The questioner: Do you need to ...?
                   go to school yesterday because he had a                            A                         Why do you need to ...?
                   hospital appointment. He was at the hospital                                                 Did you have to ...?
                   all day.
                2 'You've got so many things in your bag!'                            A      The director:      You must .../ have to ...
                                                                                                                You mustn't /can't ...
                   'I know.And I had to take / needn't have
                   taken / couldn't take my umbrella because                                                    You needn't have...
                   it didn't rain at all!'                                                   The calmer:        You don't have to ...
                3 We couldn't / had to / didn't need to use our                                                 You don't need to ...
                   dictionaries in the exam. We had to leavethem                                                You can ...
                   in our bags.                                                              The adviser:       You need to ...
                4 Ididn't need to wake up / needn't have                              A                         You should /shouldn't...
                   woken up / had to wake up early because
                   it's the holidays.Istayed in bed until half
                   past nine!
                                                                                      I don't know the rules of football.
                5 The hotel restaurant was fantastic.We couldn't
                   / had to / could eat anything that we wanted.                      I haven't got many friends.
                6 'You missed the end of the film!'                                   I'mtired because Istudied for four hours
                   'I know. I couldn't / could / had to leave early                   yesterday evening.
                   because of my bus.'                                                I paintedthis picture for you. Ittook me all day!

          *1    Complete the second sentence so that it                               I've got toothache.

                means the same as the first. Use a modal       O                      I swam inthe river. Now I'mreally cold.
                verb from the box.                                                    I don't understand modal verbs.

                  car#   couldn't    didn't have to    may
                  mustn't needn't have should
                                                                                         doiÿ't feiÿow the rules  offootball.
                ÿ  You mustn't swim here.
                   You can't swim       here.                                                     why do you.    Kÿeed to teuvow
                1 Can Iuse your dictionary?                                                       the mies  offootball?               A
                   _                your dictionary?
                2 We didn't wear jeans because it was prohibited.                                         you should aste Oscar.
                   We                   jeans.                                               A             He fewvows about  football.
                3 You can't open it yet.
                   You  _                it yet.
                4 There was no obligation to buy the picture.
                   We                   the picture.                                    Self-evaluation Rate your progress.
                5 In my opinion it would be a good idea for you
                   to say 'sorry'.                                                                                            w   w  w
                   Ithink you  _                say 'sorry'.
                6 Iwatered the garden but it wasn't necessary
                   because it rained later.
                   I _               the garden because it
                   rained later.

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