Page 76 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 76

6 O 1 3.3 Complete the story with the words inthe                *  8 Which things in exercise 7 would you like to be
                box. Listen and check.                                             able to do? Write five sentences.

                 can can't      can't   couldn't   was able to    been
                                                                   ©                 I'd love to be able to swim underwater.
                  able to   be able to   managed                                     I'd like to be able to read a map.

                                                                              5:9            Work in groups. Read your sentences.
                                                                                             Can you find someone with the same
                    This morning, Itook my little brother Charlie
                                                                                            sentences as you?
                     to the park and he got stuck up a tree.
                    This surprised me because usually he can                         I'd love to be able to read a map.
                     climb things easily. Today, he climbed up very
                    high, but then his shirt got caught on a branch                         i cando that. I'd liketo be able tojuggle.
                    and he  1 _                move at all.
                     'Help!' he shouted.   2                 get                                      Metoo!
                    down!' He sounded really scared.
                     I hate heights. I've never                                       W     Complete the questionnaire.Tick ÿ the
                    go up tall buildings because 1  4 -                            y        things that are true for you and cross x
                    look down. It makes me feel sick.                                       the things that are not true.Then discuss
                     1              even stand on a chair!                                  your answers with a partner.
                     But when I heard Charlie's frightened shouts
                     I felt different, and 1  6 _          climb up                   3 I've been able to speak English since
                     to him. 1                  to free his shirt and                    1 was five years old.                        ÿ
                     we climbed down the tree together.
                                                                                      4 1 can use an English-English dictionary
                     I hope the experience has changed me                                very easily.                                 ÿ
                    to eve?.Will I ® _               §3uptall
                     buildings now? Idon't know, but I hope Ican.                     5 1 can understand films in English quite
                     I'd like to try rock-climbing, too.                                 easily.                                      ÿ

                                                                       J              6 1 can spell tuords in English   c\uite uuell. [ÿ]

           17             Work in pairs. How well can you do these                    7 1can           very luell.                    ÿ
                          things? Tell your partner. Use the words
                                                                                      8 1 rould                             uihpn
                          inthe boxes.
                                                                                         1 tuas ten years old.                        ÿ
                  not at all  quite easily
                                                                                      9 I'dlike to he ohle to                         ÿ
                  very easily   quite/very well

                 mend a bicycle tyre     change an electric plug                       can't understand     -films  In enlisto very well.
                 write a computer programme reada map
                 build and light a fire   cook a meal for six people
                                                                                              "That's true  -for  me too, but Iwatched a
                                                                                              film  inEnglish a    few  weeks ago and I
                 play tennis/football/another sport      juggle
                                                                                              managed to understand some         of  it.
                 walk on your hands      swim underwater       dive
                 ski play a musical instrument        sing read
                 music                                                                       Talk in different groups. What can your
                                                                                             friends and family do?
                  Ican't chauvge a bicycle tyre    at
                  all but I can easily read a map.                                My friend   ueo canplay the    Quitar very well.
                                  I cai-v't walk on my   hands at all.                  My brother canwrite oom-puter-programmes.
                                  I can play golf quite well.

          76    Ability and requests
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