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P. 57

iS O9.2 Hesaid...She said... Listenand report                      % 8 O 9.3 Read the notes Max wrote after he went
                what the two speakers said.                                         to Manor ice rink today.Then listen to what the
                                                                                    man said yesterday.Tick ÿ ifthe information
                              msorry.                                               was correct.

                        sorry.       f-fe said he was  sorry.
                                     she said she was sorry.

                 Complete the reported speech.

                ÿ  'We'll bring the book tomorrow;they said.
                   They told methat    they  would brlnÿ the book
                   the next day   , butthey didn't.                                                                        T¡ rtt
                1 He said to me,'You and Ishould meet again.'
                   He said that
                2 'I missed the bus,'she explained.
                   She explained that
                3 You said,'I'm waiting for the bus.'
                   You said that
                4 'I'll do it this afternoon,' he promised.
                   He promised yesterday that
                   _ ,but he didn't.
                                                                                  THURSDAY           APRIL
                5 'You can help me,'he said.                                      TVitd Mflavor Ice rinkthis m,ornlkvg:
                   He said that
                                                                                  Si-Kail -
                6 'We've already introduced ourselves,'they
                   explained.            __                                       staff-
                   They explained that                                             Lots  of  other skaters  -
                7 'I've got some money,'she said.                                 ticket cost £$.oo
                   Shesaidthat                                                     after  4-5" minutes a m.em,ber  ofstaff
                                                                                                                         ÿ »
                8 'It's not here,'he told me.                                      said,  'Y ok haveto get  off  the Ice now.'
                   He told me that
           *7             Work in pairs.Complete the sentences
                          with information about yourself, and read           i 9            Max phones the ice rink to complain.
                          them to a partner. Report your partner's            «ÿ             Role play the conversation using your
                          sentences to a different partner. How                              notesfrom exercise 8.
                          much information can you remember?
                           _                                                        C[00d m.ornlt<v0, Manor Ice rink.
                 ve never _
                  need to                                                           can i hel-p you?
                 'm going to
                 didn't                             yesterday.                            yes, I'm.phoning because i was very
                  can't  _                                                                disappointed when iused the Ice rink
                 'd like to                                                               yesterdaij. Iphoned you on wedÿesdaij
                                                                                          and you told
                                                                                                             that the Ice rinkwas
                 must     _
                 haven't                              recently.                           very nice but ...
                  i spoke to ernle. He told m,e that
                  he had never riddena motorbike.

                             ispoke to "E-eth. she said that
                            she had never played tennis.

                                                                                                                               Unit 9    57
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