Page 56 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 56

*  2 Complete the reported speech with the correct                      6    They left  two hours ago.
                form of the verb from the direct speech.
                ÿ  'I want to stop,' she said.                                        She said that they had left two hours
                   She said that she waited_ to stop.
                                                                                   7    i cut          ov v som,e glass.
                1 'Jack's waiting for you,' he said.                                          vÿyseIf
                   He said that Jack  _                for me.                                                          _
                                                                                      Mike explained that he had cut             on some
                2 'I won't tell anyone/ 1 promised.                                   glass.
                   You promised you                      anyone.
                3 'You must stay inthe boat,'they said.                            8    I've had these trailers  for five years..
                   They said that we  _                 in the boat.
                4 'We were on the bus at the time/ Alison said.                       He said he had had   _        trainers for five years.
                   Alison told me that they                    on the
                   bus at the time.                                           ;;4 O9.i What did they actually say? Listen and
                5 'I gave the picture to Jenny/ he explained.                      tick the direct speech that matches the reported        O
                   He explained that he   _                 the picture            speech.
                   to Jenny.                                                       ÿ  He said, _
                6 'I've finished/ she said.
                   Shetold me that she                                                a The ladder has broken.'    0
                                                                                      b 'The ladder will break.'  Q
                7 'We can help you tomorrow/ he said.                                           _
                   He said that they                   me the                      1 She said,
                   next day.                                                          a Til phone him tomorrow.'      ~
                8 'You shouldn't open it/they said.                                   b Til phone you this evening.' [~~]
                   They told usthat we                     it.                     2 He said, _
                                                                                      a They're busy.' O
             3 Look at the direct speech and complete the
           *                                                                          b 'I'm busy.' ÿ
                reported speech. Use eight words from the box.
                                                                                   3 She said, _
                 then    me    that    himself   before day      those
                                                                                      a Til buy it nextyean: ÿ
                  next there myself you           her
                                                                                      b 'I bought it last year.' ÿ
                ÿ    I'kK golfvg to the beach today.                               4 They said,  _
                                                                                      a 'We're going to stay here.' Q
                   Jason said he was going to the beach that      day                 b 'We went there.' Q

                                                                                   5 She said,  _
                    I'llcovue bflete tovuorrow.
                                                                                      a 'It happened yesterday.' Q
                   He said he would come back the               day.                  b 'It happened two days ago. P]

                                                                                   6 He said,  _
                2   i cflcv-flx  It iww.
                                               _                                      a 'I wouldn't see anything with those glasses.'
                   Mollysaid she could fix it                                         b 'I can't see anything with these glasses.' O

                3    Heidi-phoned this vÿorvÿivÿ.

                   Shetold me that Heidihad phoned

                4   Bd avul Kflte are  lóetela   At  you.

                   She said that Ed and Kate were looking at

                5   (  feel coku-fortflble  here.

                   He told me that he felt comfortable

          56    Reported speech
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