Page 51 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 51

1 Ifeel like __
           *  2 O8.1 What can you hear? Listenand write.           ÿ          *  4 Complete the sentences with the -ingform of
                ÿ  Ican hear someone kicking_ a ball.                              the verb in brackets.
                1 Ican hear someone                       a shower.                ÿ  I'm not used to ctttiw up before six
                2 Ican hear someone                                                   o'clock, (get)
                                                                                                        for a long walk, (go)
                3 Ican hear someone                                                   beach, (collect) __
                4 Ican hear someone                       the guitar.              2 They went    _       last year, (camp)
                5 Ican hear someone                                                3 Ispend a lot of time       _
                6 Ican hear someone                       a horse.                 4 Her favourite pastime is            shells on the

           *3             What can you remember? Work in pairs.                    5 Jason isn't interested in  _ films, (watch)
                          Cover exercises 1 and 2. How many activities             6 Iuse these gloves for             (cycle)
                          can you remember? Use saw and heard.                     7 Amy saw you              in the garden, (work)
                                                                                   8 She was busy    _        all morning, (cook)
                   I SAW Someone "painting.
                                                                                   9 Can you start   _       the washing-up? (do)
                                                                                  10 It's always worth           a friend for advice, (ask)
                               I heard someone teícteíiÿ a ball.

           IS O8.2 Listenand completethe

                                                                                            He spends a lotof
                 Paul likes...                                     He doesn't like...      time...                  He's never tried...

                 ÿ taking   photos        3                        5                        7                       9
                 i                        or                       or                       and                     or
                 2                        4                        6                       8                         10

             6            Work in groups. Complete the table with two true answers and one false answer
                          ineach column. Comparéyóür answers. Canthe othersfindthefalse answer?

                                                                                            1spend a lot of
                                          I'm not very
                 1 like...                good at...               1 don't like...          time ...                 I've never tried ...

                                     i                        r                        /                        »                        r

                 and                      or                       or                       and                      or

                         (  litee meeting my -friends, collects ÿg shells oi-vthe beach and kicking a ball.

                                                     (  don't think it's true that  you like collecting shells on the beach!

                                       you're right! "That oÿe's not true.

           r! 7 What's important to you? What's not? Complete                            j   What's important to you? Order the
                the phrases with the -ing form of the verbs in the                           things in exercise 7from 1(very
                box.Then put a tick (/) or a cross (X) inthe boxes.                          important) to 6 (not important).Then
                                                                                             discuss your answers in small groups.
                  be do have have           own spend
                ÿ having lots of friends    O                                       Having lots   of-friends  is the most
                1  _        one or two good friends |n                              important thing    for  me, because Isyend
                2           healthy M                                               a lot of  timetalking to my friends     and
                3  _        well at school                                          i Litee knowing   different  kinds  of "people.
                4  _        time with your family O
                5           lots of possessions (DVDs, clothes,                                    For me, doing well at school isthe
                   a computer, etc)                                                                most important thing because ...

                                                                                                                               Unit 8    51
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