Page 53 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 53

The infinitive with to or -ing                                     *15 Complete the sentences with the correct form

                                                                                   of the verbs in brackets.
             We use the -ing form after love,like,hote, enjoy,                     ÿ  Does Mike eniov actíw              ? (act)
             don't mind, can't standand certain other verbs,                       1 Idon't mind                     for hplp. (ask)
             including admit, avoid,deny, fancy,finish, imagine,                   2 It's starting                  _  (rain)
             miss, practise, regret,risk, suggest.                                 3 Ithink Alice deserves                     .(win)
             I don't regretleaving.                                                4 He practised                     his namp. (writp)
             Heavoids talking aboutit.                                             5 Ihate                    late, (be)
                                                                                   6 Didyou manage                        to her? (speak)
             With like,love,prefer and hatewe can use either a
                                                                                   7 We can't risk                   now.(stop)
             to-infinitive or an -ing form. However,like + to can                                                          \   r'
                                                                                   8 They refused                     me a reason, (give)
             also mean we have a habit of doing something even                            y
                                                                                   9 Iet's stop                   about this now.We've
             ifwe may not enjoy it.                                                   said everything, (talk)
             I liketo check myhomework carefully.                                 10 You nppd                     the door now.(open)

             We use the infinitive form with to after want, would                 11 We tried                    the computer on and off
                                                                                      again, but that didn't help, (switch)
             like,plan,hope, intend,decide, arrange, promise and                                    _
                                                                                  12 We're aiming                     at two. (leave)
             certain other verbs including afford,agree,begin,
             deserve, expect, forget, learn,manage, need,offer,
             pretend,promise, refuse, seem, wouldprefer.                     *16 Complete the text with the infinitive or -ing form
                                                                                   of the verbs in brackets.
             I agreedto buy it.
             You couldoffer to helpher.
                                                                                Shopping- If you want          o_qo_ _         (shop)
             After the verbs stop, try and remember we can use                  then it'sfascinating  2_        (explore) the Riverside
             either the -ing form or the infinitive form with to,                              _       (see) high prices in the shops:
                                                                                area. Expect3
             but the meaning is different.                                      this isn't a cheap part of town! For a different
             Let's stop looking at themap. (=We are looking at                  shopping experience, spend some time
             the map.Idon't want to look at the map.)                           4_        (walk) around Central Market. It's not
             L?í's sfópfs\ookatftemap.{= Iwarnte step                           worth  5_        (go) after one o'clock, though. Most
             because Iwant to look at the map.)                                 of the stalls start closing at midday.At the Crafts
             I tried to get thepaint offmy T-shirt. (= I couldn't get           Centre there are shops and workshops where you
             the paint off myT-shirt) (an attempt)                              can 6_        (see) people  7_        (make) ceramics
             I triedwashing my T-shirt in veryhot water. (= I                   and jewellery.
             washed myT-shirt but it didn't have the result I
             wanted.) (an experiment)
             I don't rememberclosing the door. (= Did Iclose it or
             not? Idon't know.)
             I didn't rememberto close the door. (= Iknow that I
             didn't do it.)

          #14 Choose the correct form.                        ÿ ÿ

                ÿ  She refusescto discuss:/ discussing it.                                     8_
                                                                                Transport -              (travel) by underground is
                1 Ican't imagineto live/ living there.                          expensive, and you'll miss9   _       (see) many
                2 He's pretending to be/being sad.                              interesting sights.We suggest    10 _ (take) the
                3 You need to practise to hit / hitting the ball.               bus or the tram. The water taxis are also an excellent
                4 Do you fancy to meet / meeting at the park?                   way of            (get) about.
                5 Idon't intend to take / taking the exam.                      Security - Avoid    12_        (walk) around the city on
                6 Do you promiseto stay / staying here?                         your own late at night. Remember      13 _       (keep)

                7 He can't stand to wait / waiting for people.                  your identity card with you at all times.
                8 Ryan has arranged to visit / visiting them.                   Would you like       14 _ (know) more?-Visit
                9 I'd prefer to go /going by bus.                               our website             (read) about the history of this
                                                                                exciting city.

                                                                                                                               Unit 8    53
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