Page 58 - PDF_Oxford Grammar for Schools 5_Neat 1
P. 58

Reported questions

             We use reported questions when we talk about
                                                                              Because reported questions use statement word
             questions in past conversations.
                                                                              order, we don't use do, does or did in reported
             The tense usually changes back in reported questions,            yes/no questions.
             and reported questions don't have quotation marks               She asked, 'Doyou know him?'
             or a question mark.                                             She askedif/whether we knewhim.
                                                                             (Sheaskedifwe didknowhim>)
             Reported questions use statement word order
             (subject before verb) and not question word order.
                                                                              We use the same reported question pattern when
             She asked (me), 'Canyou swim?'
                                                                              we use phrases like Could you tell me...? or Do you
             She askedmeifI couldswim.
                                                                              know...? and Let's ask...The tense doesn't change in
             'When's itgoing to start?'she asked (us).
                                                                              these sentences.
             She askedus when it was going to start.
                                                                              Couldyou tellmewhat time the supermarket opens?
                                                                             (Couldyou tell me what timedoes the supermarketopen?)
             In reported information questions, we use the same
             question word as inthe direct speech.                           Let'sask someone what time itis.
             'What wouldyouliketo do tomorrow?'she askedVicky.                (Let's ask someone what is the time,)
             She asked Vicky what she would like to do the nextday.
                                                                              We sometimes report questions and conversations
             In reported yes/no questions we add if or whether                in a summary sentence.
                                                                              I askedElizabethabouther family.
             after asked (+ object).
             'Areyou going to stay here?'heasked.                            She toldmeabouther grandparents.
             Heaskedif/whetherI was going to stay there.
             'Willithurt?'Andy askedthe doctor.
             Andy asked the doctor if/whetheritwould hurt.

          flO Circlethecorrectwords.                                         *11Completethequestionsthat thespeakersasked.

                ÿ  They asked me where was my passport /                           ÿ  She asked if I had been to Egypt.
                   my passport was .                                                  'Have  ijou  been to Eai/jpt ?' she asked.
                1 He asked what did Ido / 1 had done at the                        1 They asked him if hewas going to the match.
                   weekend.                                                           ' _                               ?'they asked him.
                2 Let's ask the teacher what this word means/
                                                                                   2 She asked Mary what she would liketo eat.
                   does this word mean.                                               _
                                                                                      '                                  ?'she asked Mary.
                3 She asked me if would I/ whether Iwould ever
                                                                                   3 Andy asked the dentist if it would hurt.
                   come back.                                                         _
                                                                                      '                         ?' Andy asked the dentist.
                4 Iasked her whether / about her plansfor the
                   future.                                                         4 The teacher asked whether Iwould change seats.
                5 Could you tell me if/where Ash Road is?                             '                               ?'asked the teacher.
                6 Iasked how long / to her how long it would take.                 5 He asked us ifwe needed a lift.

                7 Let's ask the teacher if / about she can help us.                   ' _                                   ?' he asked us.
                8 Jamie askedTony was Irisdoing / what Iriswas
                                                                                   6 My mum asked me if Icould tidy my room.
                   doing.                                                             _
                                                                                      '                                   ?'she asked me.
                                                                                   7 The interviewer asked if Ihad ever written my
                                                                                      own project.
                                                                                      ' _                                 ?' he asked me.
                                                                                   8 The student asked what happens when you heat
                                                                                      the mixture.
                                                                                      ' _                             ?'the student asked.

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