Page 20 - project_1_workbook_4th_ed_Neat
P. 20
Find the days of the week. 3 и я ф т ю ) Listen and complete the dialogue
with the words in the box.
j t z u n b к о t
к u f r i d a У h
e s t 1 b к w u
0 s u n d a У h r
n d X j f У d e s
d a w к i a j z d
a У q h s t g P a
w s a t u r d a У
w e d n e s d a У
2 Е Е Я Write what the DJ says. Write the numbers
in words.
Name Sam Walker Name Lisa Hall
Where London Where Manchester
Age 11 Song for granddad
Bye beys friend Happy here home
Song for sister Name Simon
old song photo eleven today
Name Kate Age 58
Where home Where Spain Harvey Good morning, girls and 1 boys
Age 13 I'm Harvey, and this is Favourite Songs\
Today, Jack is2 ___________ . Jack, who is
This song is from Sam, in 1 London . Sam
is 2 ______ years old. The song is for his in this 3 ___________ ? Is he your brother?
3 . Kate. Kate is a t4 ____________ Jack No, he isn't my brother. He's my
today. It's her birthday. She's5___ / 4 , Adam. It's his birthday
Happy birthday, Kate! 5
Harvey Is he at 6_ ?
Jack Yes, he is.
Harvey Oh! 7 birthday, Adam! How
is he, Jack?
Jack He's9 ___________ .
Harvey OK. Has Adam got a favourite
10 7
Jack Yes, he has. It's Maroon 5's Moves like
... And this song is from s_ Jagger.
7 _______ . It's for her1 Harvey Here's the video for Adam.
Simon. He's9 ________ today! Simon Jack Thanks, Harvey. 11___________ !
is m , Hello, Simon!