Page 22 - project_1_workbook_4th_ed_Neat
P. 22

Progress check

           1  Complete the sentences with the words in the        3  ®    1.11) Look at the picture. Listen and answer
              box and the affirmative or negative of be. Use         the questions. Use the short forms.
              the short forms.

              I (x2)  he (x2)  she (x2)  it  we  they (x2)

              1  My name's Olivia.   I'm   from the USA.
              2  My brother is eighteen.________ a student.
              3    ______ _ my sister Grace's birthday today.
              4  'How old is G race?''________ fourteen.'
              5  I'm at school today.___________ at home.
              6  This is my teacher,  Mr Brown.______ __ from
              7  My mum and dad are at the shops.___________
                 in the garden.
              8  Angelina Jolie is a film star.___________ a singer.
              9  These are my Internet friends.______ __ from
             10  'Ruby and  Lewis, where are you?' 'Here,  Mum!
                         on the computer!'

           2  Complete the dialogue. Use a pronoun or
              possessive adjective.
              DJ     Hello.  It's Friday.  1   My   name's Aisha
                     Cox and this is The Birthday Show.  Hi.
                     What's 2 ________ name?
              Leon   Leon  Harrison.                                 1  •  Is Paul in the photo?
              DJ     Hello, Leon.  How old are 3________ ?              о  No. he isn't.___________________________
              Leon   4     'm eleven.
                                                                     2  •  Is Paul's father a postman?
              DJ     And who is 5 ________ song for?
                                                                        о                  .  He_______________
              Leon   It's for6       sister.  Mia.
              DJ     When's 7________ birthday?                      3  •  Is Paul's father's name John?
              Leon   It's on  Monday.                                   О  ________________________________
              DJ     And  how old is 8________ ?                     4  •  Is Paul's mother from the USA?
              Leon   9________ 's fourteen on  Monday.
                                                                        о  __________________.S h e _______
              DJ     Where are 10________ ?
                                                                     Б  •  Is Paul's mother a singer?
              Leon   11_____ 'm at home with 12_________dad.
                                                                        О  ________________________________
                     13________ 's on 14      computer.
              DJ     Hi,  Leon's Dad!  Is Mia there, too?            6  •  Are Jim and Alice twelve?
              Leon   No,  15________ isn't.                             о                  . They_____________
              DJ     Well,  happy birthday,  Mia, from 16________
                                                                     7  •  Is Paul twelve?
                     brother Leon.  Here's the song.
                                                                        О  ________________________________
                                                                     8  •  In the photo, are they in their garden?
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