Page 45 - project_1_workbook_4th_ed_Neat
P. 45

"J ЩЩЩ where are their houses? Read and find
                                                                 the children's houses.
        5 П Я  Look at the picture. Are the statements
          true ( /)  or false (X)? Correct the false ones.

                                                                 Lucy's  house  is  next to Owen's  house.  Owen's  house
                                                                 is between  Lucy's house and  Mia's  house.  Robert's
                                       J                         house  is  next to  Leo's  house.  Leo's  house  is opposite
                                                                 Owen's house.  Jake's  house is opposite  Lucy's house
                                                                 and  next to  Leo's house.  The school  is  in front of
          1 The wardrobe  is  next to the  bed.         0
                                                                 Jake,  Leo and  Robert's  houses.
                                                                 1    Lucv         2  ________      3 ________
          2 The  magazines are on the chest of drawers.  И
                                                                 4                 5  ________      6  ________
               The maaazines are on the table.
          3 The  bed  is in front of the wardrobe.      □      f} 0 3 3  Close your eyes. Think about your
                                                                 classroom at school. Answer the questions.
          4 The football  is  behind the wardrobe.      □

          5 The  box is on the  bed.                    □

          6 The table  is in front of the wardrobe.     □

          7 The  rug  is  under the chest of drawers.   □

          8 The violin  is between the  bed  and the    □         1  What  have you  got  in your school  bag?
             chest of drawers.                                        I've got three books and my lunch.
                                                                 2  Where  is your desk?

        6  Œ B  Look at the picture again. Complete the
          sentences. Use on, in, under, behind, next to          3  Who  is sitting  in front of you?
          or between.

          1 The  lamp  is     on       the chest of drawers.     4  Who  is sitting  behind you?
          2 The  bag  is              the wardrobe.
          3 The  DVDs are                the table.              5  What  have you  got on your desk?
          4 The teddy bear  is              the wardrobe.
          5 The  mirror is              the wardrobe.            6  Where  is the teacher?
          6 The mobile is               the chest of drawers
          7 The  bed  is              the chest of drawers       7  What is next to the window?
             and the wardrobe.

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