Page 46 - project_1_workbook_4th_ed_Neat
P. 46
58 Our house
Rooms in a house
1a Label the parts of the house with the words in the box.
armchair bath bathroom bedroom cooker
2 ПЯ1 Where do you do these things? Write
cupboard curtains dining room downstairs
fridge garden hall kitchen stairs light
living room shower sink sofa toilet 1 have breakfast
upstairs washbasin / have breakfast in the kitchen.__________
2 watch DVDs
b Complete the list of furniture and things
with the words in the box.
3 have dinner
11 17
12 18
4 read books
13 19
14 20
5 brush your teeth
15 21
16 22
6 do your homework
7 have a shower
8 listen to music