Page 55 - project_1_workbook_4th_ed_Neat
P. 55

be or have got?             Ж

            ■ Circle the correct words.

            He©/ 's 9o t twelve years old.                   5  Her eyes are / have got brown.
            I'm / 've got a very big family.                 6  My brothers are / have got tall and they're / 've
            I'm / 've got tall and  I'm / 've got blue eyes.   got fair hair.
            My mother's / 's got short  hair.                7  Rachel's/'s got tall and slim.
                                                             8  Jack's / 's got quite short hair and  he's /'s got brown
         have got/ has got

       5 В Я  Read the text. What number are the people a-e?

                                                                          Mr Taylor is tall  and slim.  He's got a  big
                                                                          moustache,  but he  hasn't got a  beard.
                                                                          His wife  is quite short and fat.  She's got
                                                                          short fair hair. They've got three children.
                                                                          Their son,  Charlie,  isn't tall.  He's got short
                                                                          dark hair and  big  brown  eyes.  Charlie's
                                                                          sister,  Sophie,  has got long fair hair and
                                                                          small  blue eyes.  Daisy Taylor is one year
                                                                          old.  She hasn't got any hair or teeth.  But
                                                                          she's got a  big  mouth!
         a  Mr Taylor  __I__    b  Mrs Taylor  _____    с  Charlie         d  Sophie  _____    e  D a is y _____

       0  ECO Write sentences.
                            1  Emily  hasn't got long hair.

                               She's got short hair._______
                                                              7  EXU Describe a person in your family. Then
                                                                describe yourself.  Use some of the words in
                            2  Leo.
                                                                the box to help you.
                                                                eyes  hair  quite / very -  tall / short /fa t / slim /
                                                                bald   glasses  a  beard  a  moustache

                            4  Ella and Bradley.


                            5  Richard

                            6  Charlotte and  Grace

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