Page 59 - project_1_workbook_4th_ed_Neat
P. 59

Present simple and present                4  ЕХХЭ Correct the sentences.
        continuous                                    1  Mum  is making  dinner.  She / talk / to  her friend.
                                                          Mum isn't making dinner.  She's talking to her friend.
      3  Е2Э1 Write sentences with the present
                                                      2  I'm  reading  a  book.  I / have / a shower.
         simple and the present continuous.

                                                      3  William  is going to the shops.  He / go / to the cinema.

         1  Tom  usually rides a  bike to school  but
           today he  's taking the bus.__________     4  I  have an  apple for lunch every day.  I / have / an  orange.

                                                      5  Dad  usually walks to work.  He / usually / take / the train.

         2  Maria  usually________________ after
           school  but today she______________.
                                                      6  My friends are playing football  in the garden. They / watch /

                                                      7  We go to the  park every weekend. We / take / the  bus / to
         3  Karl  and  Martin  usually____________       town.
           after dinner but today they
           ___________________________ music.

                                                      Present simple or continuous?

                                                   5  СШ' Put the verbs into the present
                                                      simple or the present continuous.
         4  Tony usually,             but today
            h e ________                             Dear £arla
                                                     I  am  on holiday  in  a  nice- town  in 'Spain. At the moment,
                                                     I 'm sitting   (sit)  in m»! hotel  room  and
                                                     |2 ---------------------(write) to '/ou!  I?_____________ (look)
                                                     at the hotel  swimming  pool  -   it's ver^  big!  Mum  and
                                                        4 -------------------—  (watch) TV  now  and m-j  sister kate
                                                                 (listen)  to music.
         5  Esme usually___________ to the  park    6veq morning, we 1         (go swimming)  in the
            but today she____________________ .     pool  at 130, then we1 _  _  (have)  breakfast at
                                                    8.15. After breakfast,  1 8_  (рЦ ) tennis with
                                                    т>| dad. Kate 1________  _  (go) to  dance class with
                                                    trn^  mum  -  she 10______  —   (like) tennis!
                                                                          (read) this postcard  in ^our
                                                     --------------------------------Чои —
                                                    bedroom  at home?
                                                    See 40U soon
         6  Isaac and  Harvey usually__
           at 4 o'clock but today they
                                                    б т т а
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