Page 67 - project_1_workbook_4th_ed_Neat
P. 67
Grammar summary
1.4 Instructions
affirmative negative
Talk. Don't talk.
Sit down. Don't sit down.
a To make affirmative instructions or commands
we use the infinitive of the verb,
We use am or is (the verb be) to describe someone
b To make the negative form we use Don't + the
or something.
a The short form of is is's. The short form of am
is 'm. We often use the short forms when we Translate
speak. Close your book.
b When we tell someone our name we can say I'm Don't look.
... or My name's ... Draw a house.
(see also 1.2, 2.2, 2.3) 1.5 Question words; What...?
W hat's this? It's a watch.
My name's...
W hat's your name? I'm Terry.
I'm ...
W hat's your phone number? It's 547210.
1.2 my, your
My name's Tom. What's this?
What's your name? It's a toothbrush.
What's your phone number? What's your mobile number?
We use my and your for both male and female 1.6a Regular plurals
people. Your can be singular or plural.
We add -s to most singular nouns to show that
Translate there is more than one.
My book is yellow.
a desk two desks
Your bag is brown.
a boy two boys
1.3 Articles; a! an We add -es to some nouns which end in -ch, -sh,
-ss or -x.
a pencil an orange a box two boxes
a house an apple a glass two glasses
a desk an umbrella
1.6b Irregular plurals
A / an is used to indicate that there is one of
something. These nouns are different in the plural form and do
When the following noun begins with a consonant not take -s.
sound we use a. a man two men
When the following noun begins with a vowel a woman two women
sound we use an. a child two children
a person two people
a picture a watch
an apple an exercise book