Page 72 - project_1_workbook_4th_ed_Neat
P. 72
ar Summar
To form the negative of the present simple we use
4.6 Present simple: short answers
don't / doesn't and the infnitive.
The -s ending is now on doesn't, so we don't put 1
an -s on the verb.
He plays tennis. He doesn't play tennis. do.
Translate Yes, they
I don't like football. he
She doesn't play the guitar. she does.
We don't watch TV after school. it
4.5 Present simple: questions 1
1 you
we play football? No, they
you go to school? he
they collect badges? she doesn't.
he get up at six? it
Does she have breakfast In short answers we only use do / don't or does /
it doesn't, but NOT the infinitive.
do you Do you like tea?
When does she start school? Yes, I do. (NOT Yes, I like.)
do they Does he work in a bank?
No, he doesn't. (NOT No, he doesn't work.)
To make questions in the present simple we use Do
or Does and the infinitive. For Wh- questions we Translate
add the question word at the beginning, Do they watch TV?
a We use Do for I, you, we and they. Yes, they do.
They play tennis. Does she work in a shop?
Do they play tennis? No, she doesn't.
I get up at six.
When do you get up?
b We use Does for he, she and it. The -s ending is
on Does, so we don't put an -s on the verb.
He watches TV after school.
Does he watch TV after school?
He plays football on Saturday.
When does he play football?
under between
next to opposite in front of behind
Prepositions of place tell us where something is.
a We use in with countries, towns, streets and