Page 76 - project_1_workbook_4th_ed_Neat
P. 76

1  Introduction                     Pick up your pencil,  /'pik лр ja ,pensl/  seventy  /'sevnti/
                                             Put down your pencil,  /'put daun ja ,pensl/
                                                                                  eighty  /'eiti/
         1  A  Hello                         Read,  /riid/                        ninety  /'nainti/
         class  /kla:s/                      Say 'Good morning',  /'sei ,gud 'mamit)/  a / one hundred  /а, ,WAn 'hAndrad/
         dialogue  /'daiatog/                Sit down.  /,sit  'daun/             1  D  How do you spell that?
         different  /'difrant/               Stand  up.  /,stænd 'лр/
         expression  /ik'sprejn/             Write on the board.  /'rait Dn öa ,bo:d/  alphabet  /'ælfabet/
         introduce  /intra'dju:s/            1  С  Numbers                        box  /bnks/
         partner  /'pa:tna(r)/                                                    boxes  /'boksiz/
                                             at  /æt, at/                         car  /ka:(r)/
         Greetings /  Introductions          Be careful!  /,bi 'keafl/            child  /tjaild/
         Bye.  /bai/                         bone  /Ьаип/                         children  /’tjildran/
         Good afternoon.  /,gud a:fta'nu:n/   come  /к л т /                      column  /'kDlam/
         Goodbye,  /gud'bai/                 collect  /ka'lekt/                   glass  /gla:s/
         Good evening.  /,gud 'iivnirj/      continue  /kan'tinju:/               glasses  /'gla:siz/
         Good morning.  /,gud 'moinir)/      double  /'dAbl/                      How do you spell ... ?  /'hau da ja ,spel '.../
         Good night.  /,gud 'naît/           down  /daun/                         letter  /'leta(r)/
         Hello,  /ha'lau/                    gate  /geit/                         Let's...   /lets/
         Hi!  /hai/                          give  /giv/                          me  /mi:/
         How are you?  /,hau э 'ju:/         heaven  /'hevn/                      men  /теп/
         I'm ...   /aim/                     hive  /haiv/                         only  /'aunli/
         I'm fine, thanks.  /,aim ’fain ,9ær|ks/  home  /haum/                    oranges
                                             mine  /main/
                                                                                  people  /'pi:pl/
         It's...   /its/                                                          person  /'p3:sn/
         My name's ...   /'mai ,neimz '.../  my  /mai/                            plural  /'pluaral/
                                             number  /'плтЬэ(г)/
         See you (later).  /,si:  ,ju:  'leita(r)/                                singular  /' sir) g j ala(r)/
         What's your name?  /,WDts ,jo:  'neim/   old  /auld/                     table  /'teibl/
                                             on  /Dn/
         Who's this?  /,hu:z‘öis/
                                             phone number  /'faun ,плтЬэ(г)/      There's/There are ...   /öeaz, 'öeara:,a/
         1  В  In the classroom              play  /plei/                         toothbrush  /'tu:0brAj/
         a /a n   /а, an/                    roll  /raul/                         toothbrushes  /'tuiBbrAjiz/
                                                                                  watches  /'wDtJiz/
                                             s h o e   /Ju:/
         apple  /'æ pi/                      some  /sAm, sam/                     women  /'w im in/
         bag  /bæg/                          stick  /stik/
         board  /bo;d/                       this  /öis/                          Culture
         book  /Ьик/                         tree  /tri :/
         boy  /boi/                          up  /лр/                             actually  /'æ ktjuali/
                                                                                  a  lot of  /a 'lot av/
         but  /bAt,bat/                      What's your mobile number?  /.wots ,jo:   call  /ко:1/
         cat  /kæt/                            'maubail ,плтЬа(г)/                copy  /'kDpi/
         chair  /tjea(r)/                    What's your phone number?  /.wots ,jo:   country  /'kAntri/
         desk  /desk/                          'faun ,плтЬа(г)/                   dad  /dæd/
         dog  /dog/                          What's your telephone number?  /,wots   English  /'irjgliJ/
         door  /do:(r)/                        ,jo:  'telifaun ,плтЬэ(г)/         everyone  /'evriwAn/
         exercise book  /'eksasaiz ,buk/     with  /w i 0/
         girl  /дз:1/                                                             first name  /'f3:st  .neim/
         house  /haus/                       Numbers                              friend  /frend/
         It's a /a n ...   /'its a, an/                                           from  /from, fram /
         label  /'leibl/                     oh (zero)  /au ('ziarau)/            full name  /'fu l ,neim/
         man  /mæn/                          o n e    Лу л п /                    have  /hæv/
         orange  /'t>rind3/                  two  /tu:/                           initials  /i'n ijlz /
         pen  /реп/                          three  /9ri:/                        it isn't  /,it 'iznt/
         pencil  /'pensl/                    four  /fo:(r)/                       middle name  /'m idi ,neim/
         picture  /'piktja(r)/               five  /faiv/                         most  /maust/
         umbrella  /лт'Ьге1э/                six  /siks/                          nickname  /'nikneim/
                                                                                  often  /'üfn, 'üftan/
         watch  /wotJV                       seven  /'sevn/                       only  /'aunli/
         What's this?  /,WDts'öis/           eight  /eit/                         parents  /'pearants/
         Why ... ?  /wai/                    nine  /п а т/                        real  name  /'rial ,neim/
         window  /'windau/                   ten  /ten/                           short for  /'Jo:t  ,fa:(r), fa(r)/
                                             eleven  /i'levn/
         woman  /'wuman /
                                             twelve  /twelv/                      short form  /'Jo:t  ,fo:m/
         Instructions                        thirteen  /03:'ti:n/                 so  /sau/
                                             fourteen  /fo:'ti:n/
                                                                                  surname  /'s3:neim/
         Close your exercise book,  /'klauz jar   fifteen  /f if'ti:n /           teacher  /'ti:tja (r)/
           'eksasaiz ,buk/                   sixteen  /siks'tim /                 that's...   /ôæts/
         Come here.  /,к л т  'hia(r)/       seventeen  /sevn'ti:n/               This is ...   /‘öis ,iz/
         Don't listen,  /'daunt  ,lisn/      eighteen  /ei'ti:n/                  too  /tu:/
         Draw,  /dra:/                        nineteen  /nain'ti:n/               use (v)  /ju:z/
         Give me your book,  please,  /'giv ,mi:  Jo:   twenty  /'tw enti/
           'buk ,pli:z/                      twenty-one  /.twenti 'wAn/           English Across the Curriculum
         Go to the board,  /'gau ta öa ,bo:d/  thirty  /'03:ti/                   blue  /blu:/
         Listen,  /'lisn/                    forty  /'fo:ti/                      dart  /da:t/
         Look at the picture,  /'luk at öa ,piktja(r)/   fifty  /'fifti/          divided by  /di'vaidid ,bai/
         Open your exercise book,  /'aupan jar
           'eksasaiz ,buk /                  sixty  /'siksti/                     equals  /'i:kwalz/
    fz l
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