Page 78 - project_1_workbook_4th_ed_Neat
P. 78
Geographical places Colours RE (Religious Education) /,a:r 'i:, ri,lidz9S
Africa /'æfrika/ brown /braun/ edgu'keijn/
Amazon River /,æтэ гэ п 'пуэ(г)/ grey /grei/ Science /'sai9ns/
Antarctica /æ n'taiktiks/ red /red/
Asia /'e 133/ white /wait/ Culture
Europe /'jugrep/ about /g'baut/
Himalayas /hims'leiaz/ Other adjectives England /'irjglgnd/
Nile River /,nail 'riva(r)/ bad /bæd/ from ... to ... /fram .... t s '.../
North America /,пэ:0 э'тепкэ/ long / I d 13/ half /ha:f/
Oceania /susi'ainia/ short /Jo:t/ morning /'т э т щ /
Rocky Mountains /,mki 'mauntanz/ thick /0ik/ packed lunch /,pækt 'UntJ/
Sahara Desert /s9,ha:r3 'dezgt/ thin /0 т / primary school /'praimari ,sku:l/
South America /,sau0 э'тепкэ/ pupil /'pju:pl/
3 С Have you got a pet? sandwich /'sænwitJV
Oceans school day /'sku:l ,dei/
animal /'æniml/
Arctic Ocean /,a:ktik 'эи/п/ asleep /a'sliip/ school system /'sku:l ,sist3m/
Atlantic Ocean /9t,læ ntik 'эи/п/ band /bænd/ secondary school /'seksndri ,sku:l/
Indian Ocean /,mdi3n 'эи/п/ beautiful /'b ju itifl/ sixth form /'siks0 ,fo:m/
Pacific Ocean /p3,sifik 'эи/п/ beginning with ... /bi'ginir) ,wiö/ sports match /'spo:ts ,mætj/
boring /'bo:rir)/ Wales /weilz/
Revision pet /pet/
black /blask/ tail /teil/ English Across the Curriculum
card /ka:d/ What kind of ... is it? /,WDt ,kaind sv '... human /'hju:msn/
cue /kju:/ ,iz ,it/ touch /tAtJ/
family tree /,fæm3Ü 'tri:/
Pets Parts of an animal's body
Your Project bird ГЬз'А! arm /а :т/
bring back /,brir) 'bæk/ budgie /'bAd3i/ beak /bi:k/
drawing /'dro:ir)/ fish /fiJV body /'bodi/
interview /'intavju:/ hamster /'hæmst3(r)/ ear /i3(r)/
over /'эиуэ(г)/ horse /ho:s/ eye I ail
plan /plæn / mice /mais/ feathers /'feÖ3z/
sea /si:/ mouse /maus/ foot /fut/
title /'ta itl/ parrot /'pærst/ fur /fs:(r)/
rabbit /'ræbit/ hand /hænd/
head /hed/
3 My world rat /ræt/ leg /leg/
snake /sneik/
nose /пэиг/
3 A I've got a computer spider /'spaid3(r)/ teeth /ti:0/
bedroom /'bedru:m/ 3 D My school whiskers /' wisksz/
good /gud/ afternoon /a:ft9'nu:n/ wing /wir)/
have (got) /,hæv CgDt)/ assembly /a'sembli/
living room /'livir) ,ru:m/ break /breik / Revision
lucky /'Lvki/ adjective /'æd3ik tiv /
compare /кэт'реэ(г)/
Possessions each /iitj/ hair /he3(r)/
possessions /p3'zejnz/
good at /'gud ,æt, 9t/
camera /'каетэгэ/ great /greit/
computer game /k9m'pju:t3 ,geim/ last /la:st/ Your Project
DVD player /,di: ,vi: 'dii ,plei3(r)/ lesson /'lesn/ chorus /'k3:r3s/
games console /'geimz ,kDns9ul/ lunch /UntJ/ day /dei/
MP3 player /,em ,pi: '0ri: ,plei3(r)/ next /nekst/ Games /geimz/
radio /'reidigu/ registration /red3i'streijn/
remote-controlled car /ri,m9ut kgn.treuld subject /'sAbd3ikt/
'ka:(r)/ term Л з :т / 4 Time
television /'telivi3n/
timetable /'taim teibl/ 4 A What's the time, please?
3 В Mut's present uniform /'juinifo:m / activity /æ k'tivsti/
act /ækt/ wear /we3(r)/ birthday party /'b3:9dei ,pa:ti/
year /ji3(r)/
basket /'ba:skit/ clock /klok/
ball /Ьз:1/ School subjects concert /'kDnsat/
blanket /'blærjkit/ Art and Design /,a:t эп di'zain/ dance /da:ns/
cap /каер/ Biology /bai'Dl3d3i/ exam /ig'zæm/
cover /'клуэ(г)/ Chemistry /'kemistri/ game /geim/
cricket bat /'krikit ,bæt/ Citizenship /'sitizsnjip/ half past /'ha:f ,pa:st/
describe /di'skraib/ Design and Technology /di,zain эп hockey /'Iraki/
difference /'difrens/ tek'nDl9d3i/ match /mætj/
jumper /^злтрэ(г)/ French /frentj/ o'clock /s'klük/
mouth /таиб/ History /'histri/ party /'pa:ti/
nice /nais/ ICT (Information and Communication past /pa:st/
now /паи/ Technology) /,ai ,si: 'ti:, infs,m eijn эп piano /рГэепэи/
present (n) /'preznt/ punctuation /pAijktJu'eiJn/
Really? /'пэК, 'п:эК/ k9m ju:m ,keijn tek'nDl9d3i/ quarter past /'kwo:t9 ,pa:st/
school /sku:l/ Music /'m ju:zik/ quarter to /'kw o:t9 t 9/
small /smo:l/ PE (Physical Education) /,pi: 'i:, .fizikl tennis /'tems/
these /öi:z/ ed3u'keijn/ time /taim/
T-shirt /'ti: ,j3:t/ Physics /'fiziks/