Page 10 - American English File Student Book 3A_Neat
P. 10
                              G future forms: present continuous, going to, will /  won’t         Are you seeing
                              V fam ily adjectives of personality                               your grandparents     No, I’m going to
                              P  sentence stress, word stress, adjective endings                                       stay home. I'll
                                                                                                  this weekend?
                                                                                                                     probably see them
                                                                                                                       next weekend.
             IB  Family life

           1  V O C A B U L A R Y  &  S P E A K IN G

           a  Look at some photos showing family members.
              W hat’s happening in each one? What do you think the
              relationship is between the people?

           b  With a partner, explain the difference between
              each pair.
               1  a father and a parent
               2  a mother and a stepmother
              3  a brother and a brother-in-law

              4  a grandfather and a great-grandfather
               5  a nephew and a niece
              6  a child and an only child
               7  your immediate family and your extended family
           c  Read Changing—fo r  the better and try to guess what
              the missing percentages are. Choose from the list.                 Changing -

                11%  43%  60%  67%  75%
                                                                                 for the better?
           d   ly 15)))  Listen and check. Do any of the statistics
              surprise you? Which ones do you think would be very
              different if the survey was taken in your country?
                                                                                    amily life is changing in the US, but not in the way
           e  Work in small groups. Say what you think and give                 F we might think. The results of several different
              reasons.                                                          US surveys expected to find th at family relationships
                                                                                were suffering because of the decline in traditional
                D o you  th in k  that...?                                      family structures.
                •  families should have a meal together every day               However, some of the results were very surprising...
                •  children should leave home as soon as they can
                  afford to                                                                  of young                   of adults 30-34
                •  parents and their teenaged children should spend                          adults under               still live at home
                  a lot of time together                                                     25 and                     with their parents.
                •  parents should be friends with their children on
                  social networking sites, e.g., Twitter
                •  elderly parents should live with their children
                  when they are too old to live alone                                         of families eat together every day.

                Useful language:
                Giving your opinion (2)
                                                                                             say they have the TV on during
                We often use should + verb to say what we think is the
                right thing or a good thing (to do), e.g.,                                   dinner.
                I think families should have dinner together every day
                I don’t think parents should be friends with their children                                    think a new baby in
                on Twitter because...                                                                          the family brings more
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