Page 12 - American English File Student Book 3A_Neat
P. 12

          5   R EA D IN G                                             Younger brother                             only child?

           a  Which do you think has more advantages,
              being an only child, or having brothers and
              sisters? Why?
                                                                      THE YOUNGER  BROTHER
           b  Work in pairs. A read The Younger Brother,              NOVELIST TIM  LOTT
              B  read The Only Child.
                                                                      Rivalry between brothers is normal, but
           c  Tell your partner about 1 and 2 below.                  there was a special reason for the tension
              Whose childhood sounds happier?                         between us. 1 was very ill when I was born,

               1  other family members who are mentioned              and spent three months in the hospital
                                                                      with my mother. My brother did not see
              2  how the writer’s experience as a child
                                                                      her at all during that time because he
                 affects him / her now
                                                                      went to stay with an aunt. When our
           d  Look at the highlighted words in the two                mother returned home, it was with a sick
              texts. Try to figure out their meaning                  newborn baby who took all the attention.
              from the context. Then match them with                  No wonder he haled me (although if you
              definitions 1-12.                                       ask Jeff, he will say that he didn’t -  we
                                                                      remember things differently).
               1  ____________ adj ill

              2  ____________ it’s no surprise that                   My brother and I were completely
               3  ____________ noun competition between               different. We shared the same bedroom,
                                                                      but he was neat, and 1 was really messy.
                                two people
                                                                      He was responsible; I was rebellious. He
              4  ____________ noun the time when you were
                                                                      was sensible; I was emotional. I don’t
                                a child
                                                                      have any positive memories of our childhood together,
              5  ____________ norm a meeting of people,               though there must have been good moments. Jeff says we used to play
                                e.g., family                          “Cowboys and Indians,” but I only remember him trying to suffocate
               6  ____________ norm people who are fully              me under the bedcovers.
                                                                      My relationship with Jeff has influenced my attitude toward my own
               7  ____________ adj knowing about or being
                                                                      four daughters. If the girls fight, I always think that the younger child
                                conscious of something                is innocent. But the good news about brothers and sisters is that when
              8  ____________ noun a school where children            they get older, they value each other more. Jeff is now one of my best
                                can live during the year              friends, and I like and admire him greatly. For better or for worse, we
              9  ____________ verb  think that somebody or            share a whole history. It is the longest relationship in my life.
                                something is important                Adapted from The Tim es
             10  ____________ verb divided something
                                between two or more people
                                                                      THE ONLY CHILD
             11  _____________verb try to hurt somebody else          JOURNALIST SARAH  LEE
             12  ____________ noun a group of friends
                                                                      I went to boarding school when 1 was seven, and the hardest thing I
             m   each other                                           found was making friends. Because I was an only child, I just didn’t
                When brothers and sisters get older they              know how to do it. The thing is that when you’re an only child, you
                value each other more.                                spend a lot of your time with adults, and you're often the only child in
                Use each other to talk about an action                a gathering of adults. Your parents go on living more or less
                between two people or groups of people, e.g.,         the way they have always lived, only now you are there, too.
                I don’t get along very well with my father. We
                don't understand each other.                          I found being an only child interesting because it gave me
                                                                      a view of the world of adults that children in a big family
           e  Talk to a partner. Do you have brothers and             might not get. And I know it has, at least partly, made me
              sisters, or are you an only child? Do you feel          the kind of person I am - 1 never like being one of a group,
              positive or negative about it?                          for example. If I have to be in a group, I will always try to go
                                                                      off and do something on my own, or be with just one other
                                                                      person — I’m not comfortable with being one of a gang.

                                                                      My parents are divorced now and my mother lives in the US
                                                                      and my father in the UK. I feel very responsible for them -  I
                                                                      feel responsible for their happiness. I’m the closest relative in
                                                                      the world to each of them, and I am very aware of tiiat.
    10      IB
                                                                      Adapted from The G uardian
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