Page 30 - American English File Student Book 3A_Neat
P. 30
G articles: a / an, the, no article Do you think
V collocation: verbs / adjectives + prepositions women talk more
P bl, sentence stress, Ids/ or Idil?
than men? Yes, in general
I think they
probably do.
3B Stereotypes - or are they?
1 R EA D IN G & S P E A K IN G
Men talk just as
a In pairs, answer the questions.
much as women -
1 Are you a talkative or a quiet person?
2 Who is...?
a the most talkative person in your family can it really be true?
b the most talkative person you know'
3 Do you think that, generally speaking, women are
esearch by psychologists at the University of
more talkative than men? Arizona has shown that the stereotype that
4 What topics do...? R women talk more than men may not be true. In
a men talk about more than women the study, hundreds of college students were fitted
b women talk about more than men with recorders, and the total number of words they
used during the day was then counted.
b Look at the definition of stereotype. Then A read the article
The results, published in the New Scientist, showed that
Men talkjust as much as women and B read the article
women speak about 16,000 words a day and men speak
Gossip with the girls? Find answers to questions 1-4.
only slightly fewer. In fact, the four most talkative people
stereotype noun a fixed idea about a particular type in the study were all men.
of person or thing, which is often not true in reality. >- stereotype Professor Matthias Mehl, who was in charge of the
verb In advertisements, women are often stereotyped as housewives.
research, said that he and his colleagues had expected to
1 What was the stereotype that the researchers wanted find that women were more talkative.
to investigate?
2 Where was the research done?
3 How was the research done?
4 What did the research show?
c In pairs, tell each other about your article, using
questions 1-4 to help you.
d Now read both articles again and look at the highlighted ONE OF FORTY SUBJECTS
words and phrases, which are commonly used in articles
about research. Match them with definitions 1-10. omen are experts at gossiping - and they often
W talk about trivial things, or at least that's what
1 In fact adverb really
2 ________ verb make less men have always thought. However according to
3 ________ usually do it research done by Professor Petra Boynton, a psychologist
4 ________ adverb a little bit at University College London,
5 ________ linking word used to connect or contrast when women talk to women their
two facts conversations are not trivial at all, and
6 ________ verb say that something is true cover many more topics (up to 40) than
7 ________ as said or shown by somebody when men talk to other men.
8 ________ verb include several different things in Women's conversations range from
addition to the ones mentioned health to their houses, from politics to
9 ________ adverb nearly fashion, from movies to family, from
10 not completely believed, doubted education to relationship problems.
Almost everything, in fact, except
e Which o f the two pieces of research do you think is...?
soccer. Men tend to talk about fewer
1 more credible 3 more surprising subjects, the most popular being work,
2 more important sports, jokes, cars, and women.