Page 31 - American English File Student Book 3A_Neat
P. 31

                                                                  2  G R A M M A R   articles: a /  an, the, no article

                                                                   a  Complete 1 -4  with a / an, the, or -  (no article).

                                                                      1  “Have you heard this joke?____hamburger and____ French fry
                                                                         walk into a coffee shop.____waitress says, “I'm sorry. We don't
                                                                         serve____food here.”
                                                                      2  “I just read____article on____ Internet about how eating____
                                                                         strawberries makes you look younger..
                                                                      3  “I’m sure there’s something wrong between us because we never
                                                                         go out to____dinner or to ____ movies anymore.”
                                                                      4  “Did you watch____game____ last night? I can’t believe that_____
                                                                         referee didn’t see that it was____penalty..

                                                                   b  According to the article Gossip with the girls?, who do you think
                                                                      would probably say 1-4, a man or a woman?

                                                                   c     p.137 Grammar Bank 3B. Learn more about articles and
          However, they had been skeptical of the
                                                                      practice them.
          common belief that women use three times as
          many words as men. This idea became popular
          after the publication of a book called The              3   P R O N U N C IA TIO N
          Female Brain (2006) whose author, Louann
          Brizendine, claimed that “a woman uses about                /ə/, sentence stress, /ðə/ or /di/?
          20,000 words per day, whereas a man uses
                                                                   a   2 20)))  Listen and repeat the sound and words.
          about 7,000.”
      Adapted from the New S cientist  find the results difficult to believe. However, he   b   them with the /ə/ sound.
          Professor Mehl accepts that many people will
                                                                                   a  about  anniversary  complain  credible
                                                                                   problem  talkative  usually  woman
          thinks that this research is important because
          the stereotype, that women talk too much and
                                                                       2 21)))  Listen and repeat the sentences. Then practice saying
          men keep quiet, is bad not only for women but
          also for men. “It says that to be a good male, it’s
          better not to talk -  that silence is golden.”
                                                                      ı   What are we going to have for lunch to day?
                                                                      2  i'd like to see a good movie to night.
                                                                      3  Please stop complaining about the weather.
          Professor Boynton interviewed over 1,000
                                                                      4  The woman in the kitchen is very talkative.
          women for her study. She also found that women              5  There’s a problem with the computer.
      Adapted from  th e  Daily Mail website  subject for longer periods of time.  c   /di/ (not /ðə/). Why does the pronunciation change?
          move quickly from one subject to another in
          conversation, whereas men usually stick to one
                                                                       2  22)})  Listen and underline five phrases where the is pronounced

          Professor Boynton also says that men and women
                                                                       the movies  the end  the other day  the world  the sun
          talk for different reasons. In social situations,
                                                                       the Internet  the kitchen  the answer  the Earth
          women use conversation to solve problems and
          reduce stress, while men talk to each other to
          laugh or to exchange opinions.
                                                                   4   S P E A K IN G

                                                                   Prove that the research in Gossip with the girls? is wrong!
                                                                   Work in pairs or small groups.

                                                                      If you’re a woman, try to talk for two minutes about:

                                                                       soccer  cars  computers

                                                                      If you’re a man, try to talk for two minutes about:

                                                                       fashion  shopping  your family

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