Page 74 - American English File Student Book 3A_Neat
P. 74
           3 A

          comparatives and superlatives:                          comparing two actions

          adjectives and adverbs
                                                                    1  M y  father drives faster than me.                          2  12)))
          comparing two people, places, things, etc.                  You w alk more quickly than l do.
                                                                      A tla n ta played w orse today than last week.
            1  M y  sister is a little taller than me.   2  ID))   2  M a x  doesn't speak E n g lish  as well as h is w ife  does.
              San Francisco is more expensive than Chicago.           I don't earn as much as m y boss.
              T h is  test is less difficult than the last one.
              O live  o il is better fo r you than butter.        1  W e use com parative adverbs to com pare tw o actions.
            2  T h e  new  sofa isn't as comfortable as the          •  R eg u la r com parative adverbs: sp e llin g  rules
              old one.                                                 fast > faster   slowly > more slowly   carefully > more carefully
              I don't have as many books as I used to.
                                                                     •  Irregu lar com paratives:
                                                                       well > better   badly > worse
           1  W e use com parative adjectives to com pare tw o
                                                                  2  W e can also use (not) as + adverb + as to m ake com parisons,
             people, places, things, etc.
             •  R eg u la r com parative adjectives: sp e llin g  rules
                old > older   big > bigger    easy > easier
                modem > more modern     difficult > more difficul  K e v in  is the tallest player on the team.                    2  13)))
             •  Irregular com parative adjectives:                 Tokyo is the most expensive city  in  the w orld.
                good > better   bad > worse    far > farther /     T h e  sm a ll bag is the least expensive.
               further                                             Lucy is the best student in  the class.
             •  O ne-syllable adjectives ending in  -ed:           W h o  dresses the most stylishly in  you r fam ily?
                                                                   T h a t's the worst w e’ve ever played.
                bored > m ore bored   stressed > more stressed
                tired >  more tired
                                                                  •  W e use superlative adjectives and adverbs to com pare people, things, or
          2  W e can also use (not) as + adjective + as to make
                                                                     actions w ith  a ll o f th eir group.
             com parisons.
                                                                  •  F o rm  superlatives lik e  com paratives, but use -est instead o f -er and most /
             f j   Object pronouns (me, him, etc.) after than        least instead o f more / less.
                and as                                            •  W e u su a lly use the before superlatives, but you can also use possessive
                After than or as we can use an object pronoun        adjectives, e.g., my best friend, their most famous song.
                (me, him, her, etc.) or a subject pronoun (/, he,   •  W e often use a superlative w ith  present perfect + ever, e.g., It’s the best
                she, etc.) + auxiliary verb.
                                                                     book I’ve ever read.
                She’s taller than me. OR She’s taller than I am.
                NOT -ShHs-tatler-thafrl.
                                                                   P  in after superlatives
                They're not as busy as us. OR They’re not as
                busy as we are. NOT -Tkey-'fe-not-aslousy-as-we.        Use in (NOT of) before places after a superlative.
                                                                        It’s the longest bridge in the world. NOT of the world
                the same as                                             It’s the best beach in Florida. NOT of Florida
                We use the same as to say that two people,
                places, things, etc. are identical.
                Her dress is the same as mine.

           a  C o m p le te  w it h  th e c o m p a ra tiv e  o r  su p e rla tiv e  o f  the   b  C o m p le te  w ith  o n e  w o rd .
              bold w o rd  (and than i f  necessary).
                                                                                    G o in g  by m o to rb o a t is more e x c itin g  th a n  tra ve lin g
                 W h a t’s the fastest w av to  get aro u n d  M ia m i?   fast     by ferry.
               1  I th in k  s k iin g  is _________ horseback rid in g ,  easy  1  A  bus is n ’t as c o m fo rta b le ______a tra in .

              2  A  m o to rcycle  is _________ a scooter,  powerful             2  It’s ______m o st expensive car w e ’ve ever bought.
               3  I th in k  th at tra v e lin g  by tra in  is _________ fo rm  o f  3  T h e  tra ffic  w as w o rs e ______w e expected.
                 tra n sp o rta tio n ,  relaxing                                4  T h is  is the lo ng est trip  I’v e ______been on.

              4  Y ou  w a lk _________ I do.  slowly                            5  H e  gets hom e late, but h is w ife  arrive s later th a n _____
               5  _________ tim e  to  travel is on h o lid a y  w eekends,  bad  6  T h e ______in te re stin g  place I’ve ever v isite d  is Venice.
              6  _________ I've ever d riv e n  is  fro m  W a sh in g to n , D .C . to  7  I leave h o m e at the sam e t im e ______m y brother.
                 C h ica g o ,  far                                              8  H e  d r iv e s ______c a re fu lly  th a n  h is g irlfrie n d  -  he's
               7  T h e  L o n d o n  U n d e rg ro u n d  i s _________ the subw ay in  never had an accident.
                 N e w  Y o rk  C ity ,  old
                                                                                 9  W e d o n 't go a b ro a d ______o fte n  as w e used to.
              8  T h is  is _________ bu s I've ever been on.  hot              10  W h a t's  the longest fre e w a y _____ the U S ?

              9  O f  a ll m y  fa m ily , m y m o m  is _________ d riv e r,  good
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