Page 158 - bt Tieng Anh 8 Bui Van Vinh
P. 158

                                                  ANSWER KEYS

                                        UNIT 1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES

                                                   PART 2: EXERCISES
               A. PHONETICS
               I.      1. D          2. D          3. A           4. B          5. B

                       6. C          7. D          8. A           9. C          10. C
               II.     1. C          2. A          3. B           4. D          5. C

               I.      1. C          2. A          3. A           4. C          5. B           6. A

               II.     1. making            2. Have – ridden      3. go
                       4. seeing/ to see    5. skateboarding
               III.    1. doing             2. swimming           3. going

                       4. playing           5. watching           6. skiing

               C. READING

               I.      1. T          2. T          3. F           4. F          5. T
               II.     1. Yes, he does.

                       2. On starry nights, they lie on the grass, looking at the sky and daring each other to find the
               Milky Way.
                       3. I like to live in the countryside because it is quiet and peaceful.
               III.    1. from           2. is     3. teaching    4. in         5. practice

                       6. improvement  7. class    8. for         9. other      10. little

               D. WRITING

               I.      In the 1970s, skateboarding suddenly became very popular. At first, skateboarders moved
               slowly  on  flat,  smooth  areas.  Then  they  began  to  ride  quickly.  This  is  called  “freestyle”
               skateboarding. Soon they were skateboarding skillfully up ramps and doing tricks in the air. This is
               called “ramp” skateboarding. Then they started skateboarding and doing tricks on the street. This
               was “street-style” skateboarding - a combination of freestyle and ramp. For this, the skateboarders
               needed  protective  clothing  such  as  knee  and  elbow  pads  and  helmets.  This  allowed  them  to
               skateboard safely.
                       Today skateboarding is still a very popular sport, and there are lots of competitions.
               II.     1. Your house is bigger than my house.

                       2. I like listening to music.
                       3. The white dress is not as expensive as the black one.
                       Or The white dress is cheaper than the black one.

                       4. Mary is the most intelligent in my group.
               III.    1. J          2. B          3. C           4. E          5. H
                       6. G          7. I          8. A           9. D          10. F

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