Page 160 - bt Tieng Anh 8 Bui Van Vinh
P. 160


                                    UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE

                                                   PART 2: EXERCISES
               A. PHONETICS

               I.      1. B          2. C          3. B           4. D          5. A
                       6. B          7. C          8. C           9. A          10. B
               II.     1. A          2. D          3. B           4. D          5. C

               I.      1. more beautifully   2. hotter            3. crazier           4. more slowly

                       5. more              6. less               7. worse             8. better
                       9. more attractively  10. bigger
               II.     1. peaceful          2. nomadic            3. collector         4. inconvenient

                       5. unsafe            6. friendly           7. healthily         8. traditional
                       9. generously        10. soundly
               III.    1. C          2. D          3. A           4. D          5. C

                       6. C          7. D          8. A           9. A          10. C
                       11. A         12. C         13. B          14. C         15. A
               IV.     1. than       2. as         3. more        4. than

                       5. more       6. than       7. as          8. than
               V.      1. best       2. happiest   3.faster       4. more colourful    5. better

                       6. good       7. least      8. prettier    9. the better        10. the sicker

               C. READING

               I.      1. is bigger than           2. is smaller than           3. is not as/so large as
                       4. is not as/so small as    5. is hotter than            6. is not as/so cold as
                       7. is not as/so rainy as    8. is rainier than

               II.     1. D          2. D          3. A           4. B          5. C
               III.    1. the most famous          2. the biggest               3. the largest
                       4. the most important       5. richer                    6. the best

                       7. warmer     8. drier      9. the most beautiful        10. the worst
               IV.     1. A          2. C          3. B           4. A          5. D

               D. WRITING
               I.  1. Nam lives on a farm in the country in Vinh Phuc of Viet nam.

                   2. In summer, he climbs in the mountains.
                   3. In winter, he goes fishing.
                   4. He really likes it because it‟s relaxing and quiet.

                   5. He thinks city life is not safe enough to walk around alone.
                   6. He also thinks it is too dangerous to cycle on the street because of the heavy traffic,

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