Page 175 - bt Tieng Anh 8 Bui Van Vinh
P. 175

                       9. will you stay     10. swim              11. tell             12. don‟t change

                       13. wouldn‟t have bought                   14. hung             15. would be
                       16. would have brought                     17. would have been

                       18. wouldn‟t have printed                  19. wouldn‟t buy     20. would arrive
               III.    1.  unable           2. environmental      3. contaminated      4. Industrial
                       5. Natural           6. harmful            7. contaminated      8. polluted

                       9. death             10. Polluted          11. pollutants       12. difficulty
               IV.     1. A      2. A       3. C       4. D       5. A       6. B      7. C       8. D
               V.      1. air pollution     2. factories          3. Yes, it can

                       4. The gases from the exhausts of cars.
                       5. Because the gases in the atmosphere continue to increase.
               VI.     1. A          2. D          3. A           4. B          5. C

               VII.  1. The major cause of water pollution in Vietnam is the weakness in industrial wastewater
                       2. Many factories use fresh water to carry away waste from their plants into canals, rivers,
                       and lakes.

                       3. Most of them do not have a wastewater treatment system.
                       4.  Industrial  waste  water  is  directly  discharged  into  canals,  lakes,  ponds,  and  rivers,
                       causing serious pollution of surface water.
                       5. For example, in 2008, Vedan factory, a sodium glutamate plant, released their untreated
                       industrial wastewater into the Thi Vai River and caused tons of fish and ducks in the river
                       to die.
                       6. Another cause of water pollution in Vietnam is the lack of awareness among citizens.

                       7. Every day people generate a lot of garbage, and they throw it directly into canals, river,
                       and ponds.
                       8. They collect water from these sources to do their laundry, wash dishes, and bathe, and
                       then they throw the dirty water that contain detergent and shampoo directly into them.

                                 UNIT 8: ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES

                                                   PART 2: EXERCISES

               A. PHONETICS
               I.      1. A          2. D          3. A           4. B          5. C
               II.     1. A          2. A          3. B           4. D          5. C

               I.      1. themselves  2. Would     3. between     4. to sing    5. outside

                       6. enough     7. play       8. have to     9. well       10. perfectly
                       11. fast      12. careful – carefully      13. nervous   14. fluently
                       15. badly     16. angrily   17. happy      18. hard      19. good

                       20. well      21. three times 22. try

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