Page 179 - bt Tieng Anh 8 Bui Van Vinh
P. 179


                                           UNIT 10: COMMUNICATION

                                                   PART 2: EXERCISES
               A. PHONETICS

               I.      1. A          2. D          3. C           4. B          5. A
               II.     1. A          2. C          3. C           4. D          5. B

               I.      1. spectacles        2. collapsed          3. mudslide          4. Debris
                       5. permanent         6. thermal            7. Radioactive       8. symbolise

               II.     1. A   2. A   3. C   4. A   5. A    6. B   7. C   8. A   9. D   10. C
                       11. A  12. A  13. B  14. A  15. C  16. B  17. D  18. A  19. B  20. D

               C. READING
               I.      1. D          2. C          3. B           4. A          5. D
               II.     1. A          2. B          3. C           4. D

                       5. B          6. A          7. C           8. D
               III.    1. was        2. called     3. in          4. which      5. started/ began
                       6. whether/ if  7. an       8. it          9. than       10. to

               D. WRITING

               I.      1. I saw him get in through the window.
                       2. She had worked so hard that she made herself sick.
                       3. Though the traffic was bad, I arrived on time.

                       4. We were so late that we missed the first act of play.
                       5. They‟re the birds that I fed this morning.
                       6. I wish I knew more English words.

                       7. She asked me if/whether I had many friends.
                       8. If we had a lot of money, we would buy a lot of new books.
                       9. It is not easy to learn English

                       10. John invited Sarah to come to his birthday party.
               II.     1. The film was so boring that she decided to go home early.

                       2. It is such a difficult question that all the students can‟t answer it.
                       3.  Mr.  Brown  wants  to  use  solar  energy  but  he  does  not  have  enough  money  to  buy
                       necessary equipment.
                       4. By the time Shakespeare died in 1616, he had written more than 37 plays.

                       5. Since Douglas fell off his bicycle last week, he has had to use crutches to walk.
                       6. I (had) turned off the lights before I left the room.
                       7. As soon as the other passengers get on the bus soon, we‟ll leave.

                       8. Whenever Susan feels nervous, she chews her nails.

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