Page 184 - bt Tieng Anh 8 Bui Van Vinh
P. 184

                       5. She asked me how old I was then.

                       6. She asked her if she had been to town that day
                       7. John asked Mary how long it took her to get to London.

                       8. The policeman asked the little girl what her name was.
                       9. Mr. Green asked his secretary who she had talked to a few minutes before.
                       10. Paul asked Mary if she could swim.

                       11. He asked where he could find her in that town.
                       12. She asked her son if he knew which the cup was he had used.
                       13. Helen asked Jack what he had said.

                       14. She asked him why he hadn‟t got up early this morning.
                       15. He asked if it would rain that night.
                       16.  Dr.  Nelson  said  that  every  weekend,  the  astronauts  could  have  private  video-
                       conferences with their families on the Earth.

                       17. Nick asked his teacher if/ whether the astronauts had ever forgotten anything from the
                       18. The teacher told Nick that the astronauts on the ISS used a 3-D printer on board to print
                       certain objects.

                       19. Nga asked Dr. Nelson where we/ they could look for life.
                       20. The teacher said that Ganymede, the largest moon of Jupiter, had a  large salt water

                                               PART 3: TEST YOURSELF

               I.      1. B          2. B          3. B           4. D          5. A
                       6. B          7. B          8. A           9. C          10. B

                       11. A         12. C         13. A          14. D         15. A
                       16. C         17. A         18. B          19. A         20. D
               II.     1. C          2. B          3. A           4. B          5. D

                       6. A          7. C          8. B           9. C          10. D
               III.    1. in         2. there      3. trip        4. practical   5. valuable
                       6. moving     7. its        8. expect      9. Such       10. who

               IV.     1. He said to her she was his friend.
                       2. Johnny said to his mother he didn‟t know how to do that exercise.
                       3. My brother advised me not to come back before one o‟clock.

                       4. Mrs Brown told her daughter to cook it in butter.
                       5. The pupils asked their teacher to give them better marks.

                       6. My friend asked me if I was going to leave the day after.
                       7. My mother asked me if I had done my homework.
                       8. I asked Bill what time he had gone to bed the night before.

                       9. Paul said that he had to go home then.
                       10. The policeman said that there was an accident.
                       11. The children said that they were waiting for the school bus.

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