Page 181 - bt Tieng Anh 8 Bui Van Vinh
P. 181

                       4. Peter has received their mail for ages, but he hasn‟t replied it yet.

                       5. Snail mail is not favoured much because it is slower than email.

                                    UNIT 11: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY

                                                   PART 2: EXERCISES
               A. PHONETICS
               I.      1. A          2. B          3. B           4. C          5. D

                       6. A          7. A          8. B           9. D          10. C
               II.     1. C          2. B          3. D           4. A          5. C

               I.      1. will play                2. am waiting                3. Are you doing

                       4. will go                  5. are working               6. am calling
               II.     1. D          2. A          3. D           4. C          5. A
                       6. C          7. D          8. B           9. C          10. B

               III.    1. will have implanted      2. will be taking            3. will become
                       4. will create              5. will have built           6. will connect
                       7. will design              8. will have run             9. will help

                       10. am I going to do

               C. READING
               I.      1. one        2. means              3. pictures   4. around/ all  5. with
                       6. set        7. house/room/flat    8. make       9. Through    10. home

               II.     1. B          2. A          3. D           4. A          5. D
                       6. A          7. C          8. D           9. B          10. C
               III.    1. A          2. B          3. D           4. A          5. B

               D. WRITING
               I.      1. Tom said that he wanted to buy a pocket calculator for his father.

                       2. She said that she had once spent a summer in that village.
                       3. The nurse told doctor that the patient in that room hadn‟t obeyed his orders.

                       4. They told me that I had taught them English the previous year.
                       5. Mr. Brown said that their trip had cost them two thousand dollars.
                       6. He told her that she couldn‟t find his hat anywhere in that room.

                       7. My father told them that his secretary was going to finish that job.
                       8. They said that they couldn‟t meet her there either that day or the next day.
                       9. My mother said that she thought it wouldn‟t rain the following day.

                       10. He told John that his car had been stolen.
                       11. They said that the river was rising early that year.

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