Page 95 - bt Tieng Anh 8 Bui Van Vinh
P. 95

               4.  Industrial waste water/ be directly discharged/ canals, lakes, ponds,/ rivers, causing serious
               pollution/ surface water.


               5.  For  example,/  2008,  Vedan  factory,  a  sodium  glutamate  plant,  released  their  untreated
               industrial wastewater/ the Thi Vai River/ caused tons/ fish and ducks in the river/ die.

               6.  Another cause/ water pollution in Vietnam/ be the lack/ awareness among citizens.

               7.  Every day people/ generate a/ of garbage,/ they throw it directly into canals, river,/ ponds.

               8.  They/ collect water from these sources/ do their laundry, wash dishes, and bathe,/ then they/
               throw the dirty water that contain detergent/ shampoo directly into them.


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