Page 101 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 101

*12 Complete the sentences with who, whose, what                                  Work in pairs. Ask your partner the
                or which.                                                                   questions from exercise 13.

                ÿ  ' What did he say to you?' 'Nothing.'      O
                1  ' _did you speak to?' 'Dr Hayes.'                                How huvigry art you. at theÿt?
                2  ' _is your car?' 'This one.'
                3  ' _ homework is this?' 'Mine.'                                                     Not very. I've just had breakfast.
                4  ' _are you looking for? My keys.'
                                                 '  '
                5  ' _pen did you borrow?         '   'Oscar s . '
                6  ' -is she pointing at?' 'Something under                                                     O
                                                                            *15 Circle the correct option.
                   the car.'
                                                                                  ÿ How much / many meat have we got in the
                                            '  '
                7           should I invite? Invite everyone!'
                8           sandwich?  '  ' The one with cheese.'
                                                                                  1  How much / many eggs do you put in an
                                                                                  2  How much / many is a kilo of apples?
           How + adjective/adverb
                                                                                  3  How much / many pieces of cake did you eat?
                                                                                  4  How much / many homework do you have this
           We can make questions with how + an adjective or
                                                                                  5  How much / many does a ticket cost?
           How old is he?
                                                                                  6  How much / many people were at the match?
           How fast can you run?
           How often do you go to the gym?
                                                                            *16 017.4 Complete the questions with how
           We can make questions with how long.                                   long, how often or how much. Listen and check.        O
           fH ow long have you studied English ?  '  'Fi ve years. '              Then match them with the answers (a-k).
            How long will it take to cook dinner?' 'Half an hour.'
                                                                                  ÿ How Lona have you lived here? j
            How long does the film last?' 'About two hours.'                      1 _do you clean your teeth? _
           We can make questions with how much and how many.                      2 _did your watch cost? _
           How much food have we got?                                             3 -does it take to get from
           How many plates do you need?                                              London to Beijing by plane?
                                                                                  4                   does an elephant weigh? _
           We can also use how much without a noun.
                                                                                  5                   is a year? _
            How much does it cost?' Twelve pounds.'                               6                   have you been to concerts?
            How much do you weigh?' '50 kilos.,                                   7                   does your phone battery
                                                                                  8                   does the moon go round
          *1 3 Complete the questions with some of the words
                                                                                     the Earth?
                in the box.
                                                                                  9                   coffee do you drink? _
                   big fast hard hot hungry late long                            10                   are the Olympic Games?
                   often old tall
                                                                                  a About a week, normally.
                ÿ 'How are you at the moment?' 'Very. I'd                         b Once every four years.
                   love a pizza.'                                                 c  About ten hours.
                1 'How_are you?' 'Fifteen.'                                       d £35.
                2 'How_is it today?' 'About twenty degrees.'                      e  Twice a day.
                3 'How_can you run?' "About ten kph.'                             f 365 days.
                4 'How_do you eat chips?' 'About once a                           g Once every 28 days.
                   week.'                                                         h About 5,000 kg.
                5 'How_           are you? '  ' 1 . 55 metres'                    i Never!
                6 'How.           is your English lesson?' 'An hour.'             j All my life.
                7 'How.          do you go to bed?' 'About half past              k Three cups a day.
                   nine. '
                8 'How.           is your house?' 'It's got three
                9 'How_do you study?' 'Ido two hours of
                   homework every night.'

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