Page 100 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 100

What or which? Whose or who's?                                     *  8 Now look at the picture and answer the questions
                                                                                  in exercise 7.
           We use which when we are choosing between a
           small number of things.


           We use what when we are choosing between a large
           number of things.

                What sort of cars do you. (¿tee?

                                                                                            Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions
                                                                                            about the picture, using whose or who's.

                                                                                    whose glasses are blue? Alice's
           We use whose in questions about possession.
           'Wh  ose is that jacket? '  fIt' s Amy's.'
           Who's sounds the same as whose, but has a different                      who's ecua -piece of catee?              Beÿ.
           Who's that? = Who is that?
           Who's your favourite singer? = Who is your favourite
                                                                            *10 O 17.3 Listen to questions with who's or whose.
           singer?                                                                                                                       ©
                                                                                  Tick ÿ the correct answer.
           We can use what, which and whose with or without a
                                                                                  ÿ Frank     ÿ             Frank's   0
           noun. We use them without a noun if we know what
           they refer to, or if the noun comes later in the sentence.             1  Carla    ÿ             Carla's   ÿ
            Whose computer did you use?
                                                                                  2 Me        ÿ             Mine      ÿ
            7 like your computer.' 'Actually, it's not mine.'
            So, whose is it?'                                                     3 Lucy      ÿ             Lucy's    ÿ
                                                                                  4 Tim       ÿ            Tim's      ÿ
             7 Complete the questions with who's or whose.
                                                                            ;Í11 Complete the questions with which or what.
                ÿ whose is the blue jacket? "E-en,s
                1    -reading the newspaper? -                                    ÿ They've got four flavours, which would you like?
                2    _is that white laptop? _                                     1 _time is it?
                3    _sitting next to Theo? _                                     2 There are two bags on the table-is yours?
                4    _purse is pink? _                                            3 _colour do you want? Black or blue?
                5          is the orange juice? _                                 4 _are you going to do tomorrow?
                6          the person with pink shoes?                            5 _colour is the Japanese flag?

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