Page 95 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 95

Should                                                           ;; :l 7 O 16.3 Correct the mistakes in bold.      ©
                                                                                  Listen and check.
           We use should to give advice or recommendations.
                                                                                  ÿ Do I must bring my PE kit?
           You should go to bed. You look tired.                                     Do I have to
           I shouldn,t drink cola. It's bad for my teeth.
            Where should we go?' let's go to the cinema.'                         1 We mustn't to get up late tomorrow. We've got
           fSh ould I phone my parents?  'Y es, you should.  /
                                                                                     an exam.
           We can also use must for recommendations, but it is
           much stronger than should.                                             2 Look at the sign. You shouldn't smoke here.
           You should watch that film. It's good.
           You must watch that film. It's brilliant.                              3 You needn't to explain what happened.

                                                                                  4 Ted should reads that book.

           15 Dora's friend is giving her advice. Complete the
                sentences with should or shouldn't.                               5 You mustn't help me carry the bags.They
                                                                O                    aren ' t heavy.
                ÿ You should qet more exercise.
                1  You          eat a lot of fast food.
                                                                                  6 Should I to buy this? It's expensive.
                2 You           walk to school.
                3 You           look at a computer all day.
                                                                                  7 Jess musted look after her little brother
                4 You           drink water.
                5 You           eat fruit and vegetables.
                6 You           sit at a desk all day.
                                                                                  8 Jamie have to practise the piano every day.
                7 You           drink a lot of coffee.
                8 You_     _get eight hours of sleep.

           16             Work in pairs. Read the situations
                          and make suggestions. How many
                          suggestions can you think of?

                ÿ You find some money on the bus.

                  you. should give it to the driver.                                   Self-evaluation Rate your progress.

                                                                                                                             o u u
                                   You shouldn't spefvd it.

                1 You arrive home but you can't find your keys.
                   No one is in the house.

                2 You see your friend's diary. You would like to
                   know what he or she thinks about you.
                3 You are on a bus. An inspector gets on but you
                   can t find your ticket.
                4 You are sitting in a café but the waiter doesn't
                   come to your table.

                5 You are doing a test and you see the person next
                   to you looking at their mobile phone.

                                                                                                                             Unit 16 93
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