Page 92 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 92

Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and                  6 We have to do homework every evening.
                         ask and answer. Use the ideas in the box.
                                                                                  7 We have to do tests every day.
                   clean the bathroom      cook a meal
                   do the washing-up       iron your clothes
                   lay the table           make your bed                       6 Read the dialogue and circle the correct options.
                   tidy your room          wash the car
                                                                                  Paul: I've got a letter about the football trip.
                                                                                  Dad: What does it say?
                                                                                  Paul: It says, 'You must / have to arrive at school at
                                                                                          8 .30 a.m.'
                                                                                  Dad: OK. And what time do you get back?
                                                                                  Paul: It says,<Parents 1must / have to collect
                                                                                          children at 7.30 p.m. '
                                                                                  Dad: OK. So you 2must / have to arrive at 8.30 and
                                                                                          we 3must / have to collect you at 7.30.That   ' s
                                                                                          all fine.
                                                                                  Paul: Then it says, <You 4must / have to wear
                                                                                          school uniform. '
                                                                                  Dad: Fine. Do you 5must / have to take your PE
                                                                                  Paul: Well, it says, The school will provide football
                                                                                          kit. You &must / have to bring football boots
                                                                                          and a tracksuit to keep warm.  '
                                                                                  Dad: OK. So you 'must / have to travel in your
                                                                                          school uniform and you    ® must / have to take
                                                                                          a tracksuit and football boots. Anything else?
                                                                                  Paul: Actually, there's one more thing. It says, 'You
                                                                                           must / have to bring £20 for the cost of
                                                                                  Dad: It says 'you' not 'your parents'. That means
                                                                                          you ,0must / have to start saving some
                                                                                          money, Paul!

                  r>o yow. have to
                  the bathroom.? No, i cWt, but I have                            Circle the correct option.
                                              to cleaiA, the kitchen.             ÿ You must / have to listen carefully. I won't say
                                                                                     this again.
                                                                                  1 We must / have to work hard this weekend
            5 Decide if these rules are true or not true in your                     because we've got exams next week.
                school. Make corrections if necessary.                            2 Kate must / has to practise the piano more often.
                ÿ We have to wear school uniform.                                    Her teacher spoke to her yesterday.
                   Not trne. we dokv't have to wear school ui/úform,.             3 I've marked your homework. It's not very good.

                1 We have to be in school before 8 a.m.                              You'll must / have to do it again.
                                                                                  4 I must / have to go. I don't want to miss the start
                                                                                     of the film.
                2 We have to eat our lunch outside.
                                                                                  5 You must / have to find your phone. I can't buy
                3 We have to tidy the classroom at the end of the                    you a new one.
                                                                                  6 Ben must / has to stay late at school. His teacher
                                                                                     has given him extra work
                                                                                  7 I must / have to stay at home tomorrow. My dad
                4 We don't have to use the teachers'surnames
                   when we talk to them.                                             wants me to help him with a job.
                                                                                  8 Your shoes look terrible. You must / have to buy
                5 We have to do sport every day.                                     some new ones.

          90 Must, have to, should, needn't
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