Page 74 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 74

13 O R2.2 You will hear the start of a job interview.              Speaking
                Is Jenny talking about the past, the present or the
                future? Choose the correct answer A, B or C.                 1 5 Ask and answer these questions with your
                ÿ live in Australia                                               partner.
                      Past B Now C Future                                         . Do you normally walk to school?
                1 live in England                                                 . What is your teacher wearing today?
                   A Past B Now        C Future                                   . What were you doing at eight o'clock last night?
                2 finish school
                                                                                  . Have you had lunch yet?
                   A Past B Now        C Future
                                                                                  . Did you go on holiday last summer?
                3 go to university
                                                                                  . Have you ever met a famous person?
                   A Past B Now        C Future
                                                                                  . How long have you known your best friend?
                4 work in a shop
                                                                                  . Are you going to study English next year?
                   A Past B Now        C Future
                                                                                  . What will you do when you leave school?
                5 study computer science
                   A Past B Now C Future
                6 study physics, maths and chemistry                         16 Work in pairs. Imagine you are in a university
                                                                                  interview. Take turns to be the interviewer and
                   A Past B Now C Future
                                                                                  the student. Ask questions and complete the
                7 work as a computer programmer
                                                                                  table. Student A: go to page 169. Student B:
                   A Past B Now C Future
                                                                                  go to page 170.
                8 tell people about computers
                   A Past B Now C Future
                9 work in a fast-food restaurant
                   A Past B Now C Future                                             Country
               10 work at a children's camp
                   A Past B Now C Future
                                                                                     Do/last summer?
           14 O R2.3 Ryan is at a school camp and he's talking
                                                                                     Plans for future?
                to his dad on the phone. Listen and tick (ÿ) the
                action which happened first in each pair.
                ÿ everyone getting up
                   Ryan cooking breakfast 0

                1 washing up I I

                   making sandwiches

                2 tidying the tents ]
                   taking rubbish to the bin O

                3 swimming in the lake O

                   playing football [ !
                4 having dinner [ !
                   eating cake |

                5 frying chicken
                   preparing salad [
                6 Tom waving

                   football match starting

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