Page 76 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB_Neat 1
P. 76

ÿ Write sentences using the words and                       % 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
               f/   phrases in the boxes and to + the                             the verbs in brackets.
                        infinitive. Give your own opinion.                        ÿ We've decided to m,ove to a different town.

                   bad boring difficult       easy fun good                          (decide/move)
                   important interesting       useful tiring                      ÿ Frank can,t travel by plane. He gets too
                                                                                     nervous, (can t/travel)
                   make a cake revise for exams
                                                                                  1 You_to loud music on the bus.
                   speak English watch comedy on TV
                   meet new people go abroad on holiday
                                                                                  2 When did you_the piano?
                   use the internet a lot eat a lot of junk food
                   watch sport on TV take photos of your family
                                                                                  3 I spoke to Paul yesterday and he_
                   go on a long car journey
                                                                                     the bike, (promise/repair)
                                                                                  4 Alice_a teacher. She likes children.

                ÿ it,s difficult to matee a catee .                                  (should/become)
                1                                                                    Fred and Richard have                     with the
                2                                                                    competition, (agree/help)
                3                                                                 6 I think you_better next time.
                4                                                                    (will/do)
                5                                                                 7 We looked everywhere but we_
                6                                                                    her ring, (couldn't/find)
                7                                                                 8 Jane_an online business.
                8                                                                    (would like/start)
                                                                                  before eight infinitive forms. Listen and check. ©
               10                                                            # 6 O 13.1 Read the dialogue. Add the missing to

            4 Match a-h to 1-7.
                                                                                  Amy Hi, Suzy. How was Jenny's concert last night?
                   I was pleased to c\
                   Are you afraid _                                               Suzy I didn't see it.
                  They were interested _                                          Amy But you agreed go.
                   We were shocked to -
                                                                                  Suzy I know. I really wanted see it, but in the end
                   I ' m sorry _
                   I ' m glad to _                                                         I couldn't get there.
                   Is she happy to _
                                                                                  Amy What happened?
                   She was amazed _
                                                                                  Suzy Well, I'd planned take the bus but then my
                   to arrive so late.
                                                                                           dad offered drive me there. It was raining
                   to hold the snake?
                   to win the match.                                                       so I was happy accept his offer.
                   to discover what had happened.                                 Amy So, what was the problem?
                   see you re feeling fine now.
                                                                                  Suzy He couldn't start the car. So I went catch
                   move to London?
                   hear you had passed your exam.                                          the bus, but there were no more buses.
                   find out about your accident.
                                                                                  Amy Have you spoken to Jenny?

                                                                                  Suzy Not yet. I'm too embarrassed.
                                                                                  Amy Well, you must speak to her.

                                                                                  Suzy But will she be angry?

                                                                                  Amy No, it'll be OK. You should phone her and
                                                                                            promise go round and see her tonight.

                                                                                  Suzy That's a good idea.

                                                                                  Amy Yes. It's important keep your friends.

          74 To + the infinitive and the -ing form
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